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Jun 5th 2022
#raportzportfela #sezon2 #dywidenda
1/25 🧵
Za nami kolejny tydzień. Czekamy na uchwalenie rekomendowanych poziomów dywidend i co za tym idzie kolejne wypłaty w podanych terminach.
Tydzień do tygodnia portfel obniżył swoją rentowność.
Zapraszam 🏁
#raportzportfela #akcje
Jak widać w poniższym zestawieniu w obniżeniu rentowności portfela najbardziej zawinił #cognor -6,81%, #tim dołożył swoje.
Na pochwałę zasługuje #rokita, która przypomnę wypłaciła już dywidendę. IMO jest to dobry prognostyk.
Dla tych z Was, którzy po raz pierwszy czytają ten materiał, przypominam poniżej kluczowe wartości z portfela:
💫 saldo początkowe▶️19 472,33 pln
💫 suma dopłat w 2022 r.▶️ 17 766 pln
💰 Gotówka▶️272,75 pln.
📄Wyciąg z rachunku wygląda następująco🔽
Read 25 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
#Belarus Happening right now across the country. Workers began protesting and striking. At least dozens of workers at various departments of #Minsk Tractor Plant are outside or marching inside the plant urging others to join. The plant's administration doesn't let them go
For you to understand the scale: yes, they are protesting right now at #Minsk Tractor Plant. State television already reported that everything is fine, workers are running to work, and strike isn't happening
This is #Grodno Azot in #Hrodna, one of the largest enterprises in #Belarus. At least several departments didn’t start working. Military trucks were sent to the entrance of the plant. But workers continue protesting
Read 5 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
#Belarus. Happening right now in #Minsk. Despite all military vehicles, blocked streets, threats and detentions, crowds are gathering again for the March of Unity. People came out in cities across #Belarus, such as Mahilou and Homiel. The protests don’t stop. Impressive
Thousands of people are rallying right now in the #Minsk city centre. Amazing how quickly they gained their right to the city. Dancing, marching,singing,walking,flashing victory signs at each other - these are not only symbolic acts. It’s very tangible and certain road to freedom
The Belarusian authorities keep brutally detaining peaceful protesters. This happened not far from Tsum in #Minsk. More than 40 people have already been detained. The authorities also detained a well-known ecologist Iryna Suhiy. She was taken to a police department from her home
Read 6 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
The criminal Lukashenko regime announced today that it captured 7.000 civilians over the past three days.
In #Grodno, the first child - a 5-year old girl - became victim of the regime brutality.
The army RAMMED the family car after hitting its windows with clubs and shields.
Lukashenko is turning #Belarus into another #Syria quickly ...…
Important background.
It was a #Chinese-made army vehicle.

As I pointed out yesterday, they are deployed not only to Grodno, but also to Brest by now.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
It's election day in #Belarus and long lines are present outside voting boots throughout the country.

Internet has been disrupted all the day, there is a fear of voter fraud in the air ImageImageImageImage
#Belarus: countless young Belarusians standing in line for hours waiting to vote.

Such a big difference with previous elections when voting boots were largely empty throughout the day
#Belarus: Sviatlana #Tsikhanouskaya has cast her vote.

Within a matter of weeks she went from being a English teacher and mother of two, to being #Lukashenko's biggest challenger
Read 334 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
#Belarus: up to 45.000(!) people gathered in the capital #Minsk to support Svietlana #Tsikhanouskaya for president.

#Lukashenko can pull every trick he wants, his popularity seems to be done anyways
#Belarus: Belarusian independence flags as far as the eye can see. After decades of oppression Belarusians are rising up against the #Lukashenko regime
The massive pro-#Tsikhanouskaya in #Minsk as seen from the air.

Opposition rallies as large as this one are unheard of in #Belarus
Read 21 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
#Belarus: with presidential elections less than two months away president #Lukashenko is cracking down on political opponents, jailing several opposition figures…
#Belarus: president #Lukashenko has ruled the country since independence and will be seeking a 6th term in office this August, but for the first time it seems that an easy victory is not guaranteed…
#Belarus: one-by-one #Lukashenko's rivals are being picked off the streets and jailed or brought in for questioning.

Presidential hopeful Viktar Babaryka was arrested together with his son.…
Read 29 tweets

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