gare davis Profile picture
garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows / hrtwink /

Jun 18, 2020, 18 tweets

Wed. (6, 17) outside Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment. Sort of a bloc party set up, a few tents and a car barricade on one side. About 50 folks here now. #Portlandprotest #RoseCityJustice #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #teargasted

The car barricades at 9th and Glisan. Most of the group here is around 10th and Glisan. #Portlandprotest #RoseCityJustice #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab

At least 100 folks outside Ted’s place. If the group stays overnight this will be the closest Portland has got to an autonomous zone. The Teargas Ted Temporary Autonomous Zone AKA the TTTAZ. #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

Will this be dubbed the Glisan Autonomous Zone #GAZ or the Teargas Ted Temporary Autonomous Zone #TTTAZ? Maybe both? Time will tell... #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx #autonomouszone

The protesters that were at the Justice Center just met up with the group outside the Mayor’s apartment. #GAZ #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

It’s not clear if the Justice Center group intends to keep marching and move on, or stay here. #gaz #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

If some of the Justice Center group does plan on staying, the designated occupied zone will need to be expanded. #gaz #paz #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

Almost all of the Justice Center group is still here. Some of the folks here are definitely going to try to stay all night. There are multiple vehicle blockades. #gaz #paz #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

“We’re gonna be here all night long. If the cops throw tear gas, we throw it back.” #gaz #paz #glisanautonompuszone #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

#PatrickKimmonsAutonomousZone drawn on the street. Baracades at all streets surrounding the group of at least 1000. #pkaz #gaz #paz #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter   #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

A couple hundred have definitely left, but a few hundred are still here. #PKAZ #GAZ #PAZ #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

There are some unverified rumors that Portland Police “are on the way.” There is about 10 tents set up on the street and 4 pretty darn good baracades. #pkaz #gaz #paz #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter    #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

A verbal conflict/argument with the person in the skull mask, he has a machete and baseball bat. Someone is saying they know who he is and that he “doesn’t belong here.” He has since left the occupied area.

A couple hundred occupying the block. I’m headed out for the night, I’ll try to be back tomorrow morning. #pkaz #gaz #paz #autonomouszone #tttaz #Portlandprotest #blacklivesmatter #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx

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