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Jun 19, 2020, 6 tweets

#Libya In 2018, when I first met James, he had survived a Mediterranean shipwreck, been shot & spent years being abused & tortured. Two years later, I met him again.

📹James' journey back to #Nigeria & the harsh reality of return

James was one of ~81,000 migrants returned home by @UNmigration sponsored by @EU_Commission.

What about people retuned to #Sudan?

Mohi, after 3 years in #Libya, returned to #Darfur. Once back, his package never materialised.

Only 766 out of +2,600 have received economic aid.

More about returns from #Libya

Sandrine, Rachel & Berline, from #Cameroon, agreed to go back to #Yaounde in 2018.

When I met them moments before boarding a flight in #Misrata airport, they had no idea where they would sleep when they returned to Cameroon.

What happens after the 'voluntary' return ?

Experts like @KArhinSam1, who evaluates development projects as director of @thhfriedensau, estimates that half of the @UNmigration reintegration programmes fail.

“Most people are lost after a few days”, he said.

⚠️Once back home, 2/3 of migrants don't complete the @UNmigration programmes

The @EU_Commission for home affairs, @YlvaJohansson, admitted to @euronews that "this is one area where we need improvements."

€357 million #AfricaTrustFund @IOMatEU…

Is the €357 million EU-IOM #jointinitiative designed with the lives of migrants in mind?

Prof @lorenlandau argues that there is a lack of independent scrutiny on @UNmigration.

Across 7 African nations, new report for @euronews with @lillomontalto…

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