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Dr in History - Syria - Mostly Military News (& related) - Fact Checking. Captagon in MENA. To be turned into an archive account.

Jul 4, 2020, 53 tweets

#Syria: drugs were shipped from #Latakia port & came from an #Aleppo factory equipped with large-scale industrial machinery, excluding #ISIS. Expect to see more of this as #Damascus is suffocating economically.

#Syria: another large drug shipment (incl. 4+ million of Captagon pills) was seized in Romania (largest seizure in the country). Ship again departed from #Latakia like for previous giant seizure in Italy.…

Seizures of large quantities of drugs coming from #Syria are multiplying. Captagon & Hashish seized by Egypt (6 + 2.5 tons, shipped from #Latakia port) as well as by Jordan past days.…

#Syria: again a large quantity of drugs coming from Assad-held areas was seized. This time it was captured yesterday by SNA in E. #Aleppo CS. No less than 900,000 pills of captagon were hidden in a truck.

Another large quantity of drugs from #Syria was seized yesterday, this time by #Jordan. Hashish & 214,000 pills of Captagon were seized.…

S. #Syria: today 5th Corps clashed with drugs smugglers coming from Suwayda in area of Bosra (E. #Daraa). 3 men were arrested, hashish & captagon pills also seized👇

S. #Syria: #Jordan seized yesterday another batch of drugs with 100,000 pills of captagon on its border. 2 killed. Drug traffic in S. Syria is controlled by groups affiliated with Hezbollah & 4th Division. More:

S. #Syria: #Jordan stopped another attempt to smuggle a large shipment of drugs yesterday. A pick-up with 765 kg of Hashish & over 3 million pills of Capatgon was destroyed during the operation.…

#Syria: #Jordan seized another batch of drugs yesterday (Hashish & 100,000 pills of Captagon), coming from Syria.

"#Syria is a narco-state & the global epicentre of Captagon production, now more industrialised & sophisticated than ever":
- traffic controlled by pro-Assad forces (esp. 4th Div.)
- 173 million Captagon pills exported from Syria seized in 2020
- Report:

#Syria: #Jordan thwarted today biggest attempt to smuggle drugs in recent months from Assad-held areas. Over 1.3 million Captagon pills seized. 3 dead.

A massive shipment of drugs coming from S. #Syria was seized yesterday by #Jordan. No less than 1.127 million Captagon pills & 7,000+ Hashish packs were discovered in the vehicle captured from smugglers. More:

Another shipment of Captagon was seized by Jordan yesterday. Smugglers coming from S. #Syria left behind 377,000 pills while fleeing after being spotted.

S. #Syria: another attempt to smuggle Captagon was thwarted today by #Jordan. 300,000 pills hidden in a vehicle were seized.

Earlier this month #Lebanon arrested 3 ppl who tried to smuggle ~250,000 Captagon pills to Saudi Arabia. Pills were hidden in electric pumps coming from #Syria.

#Syria: "#Latakia has become a global hub for the Captagon trade".
How an in-depth investigation by Organized Crime Project @OCCRP, based on court docs, reveals a major Captagon seizure in Greece can be traced back to Assad's circles. Full report:

Giant seizure of Captagon made today by #KSA. No less than 14+ million pills (with well-known design) were hidden in Iron plates coming from #Lebanon.

#Jordan thwarted a new attempt to smuggle Captagon & Hashish from #Syria. 61,000 pills & 497 packs of Hashish & weapons were seized.

Again #Jordan seized yesterday a large shipment of drugs (Captagon & Hashish) from smugglers coming from multiple positions in #Syria. Second capture of that kind in one week. Captagon has the characteristic L shaped logo traced back to #Latakia.

Over 1 million Captagon pills were seized at dawn today after smugglers tried to reach #Jordan from S. #Syria. 210 packs of Hashish also seized. Currently there's an attempt there every week.

"#Syria has become the world’s prime pusher of Captagon as it finances Bashar Assad's central government. Last year 3.4 billion $ were seized outside the country, as drug has become Syria's main export and source of hard currency". More:

Yesterday #KSA customs seized 2,144,180 Captagon pills coming from Jordan. Hidden in tomato boxes, origin was unspecified but cartons have markings "made in #Syria" & blurred logo belongs to a #Damascus-based Company "Al-Hasnaa-الحسناء".

#Jordan seized today a large amount of Captagon (362,000 pills) & Hashish (273 packs) coming from S. #Syria. Night vision equipment also seized after clashes with smugglers.

S. #Syria: on first day of reopening of border crossing (closed due to situation in #Daraa), #Jordan already seized half million Captagon pills hidden in a vehicle.

3 days after previous seizure, #Jordan foiled this morning a new attempt to smuggle a large quantity of Captagon & Hashish from S. #Syria. One smuggler was killed in clashes. Coffee bags from Kenya used to hide drugs.

European Intelligence tracked a ship & inspected it yesterday near Spain. No less than 20 tons of Hashish (400 million $) were seized by European authorities. The 11 on bord, all arrested, are Syrian citizens.

New week, new seizure of drugs by #Jordan on S. #Syria border. Smugglers attempted to bring into the country a significant quantity of Captagon (100,000s pills) & Hashish this morning. Several were wounded in clashes.

#Syria: unusual seizure in #Afrin (N. #Aleppo). Around 140,000 pills of Captagon coming from Assad-held areas were discovered by #SNA, hidden in olives.

Unbelievable. #KSA stopped no less than 6 ways to smuggle Captagon coming from #Syria after Jordanian controls were evaded (hidden in wheels, batteries, wood pallets etc). 1.1 million Captagon pills seized in total. Use of dogs made the difference. (video)

Flow of Captagon coming from #Syria never stops. At dawn today #Jordan seized 100,000s pills after thwarting a new attempt by smugglers.

Again #Syria|n Captagon was seized this morning by #Jordan, after smugglers tried to cross the border.

Another big shipment of Captagon coming from #Syria was seized from smugglers today by #Jordan.

3 days ago Damascus & Amman agreed to fight "drug smuggling". But #Jordan seized a massive shipment of Captagon yesterday in *official* border crossing w/ #Syria. 2 million pills w/ well-known L-shaped logo. Won't stop as a major source of income for Assad

Now also #Iraq seizing significant amount of Captagon shipped from #Syria. 108,000 pills were seized yesterday from one smuggler who infiltrated the border near Rabiah, but he was detected by thermal cameras.

#Syria: today #SNA seized in Al-Bab (N. #Aleppo) around half million Captagon pills. 3 ppl arrested & drugs subsequently destroyed.

#Jordan thwarted today another attempt to smuggle a quantity of Captagon (with well-known Lexus emblem) from S. #Syria.

#Iraq seized yesterday a new shipment of Captagon coming from #Syria. 2 arrested as well as 93,000 pills (with the usual L-shaped logo on packs) seized in Al-Qaim, the border crossing with #AbuKemal.

This is a first. Last night #Jordan|ian Army shot down a drone which crossed the border from #Syria. It carried out a quantity of Captagon, seized👇

#KSA seized yesterday a major shipment of Captagon (5,246,000 pills) in Jeddah port. Drugs hidden in boxes with grapes. A Syrian & Jordanian citizens arrested.

#Jordan seized today 35,000 pills of Captagon hidden in a public transport vehicle at the border crossing with #Syria.

#Syria: #KSA seized today a major Captagon (2,3 million pills) shipment hidden in one truck coming from #Syria via Jordan. Despite attemtps to hide the logo, the well known L-shaped symbol is clearly visible.

#KSA thwarted no less than 7 attempts to smuggle Captagon past days. In total 2.1 million pills were seized, hidden in different ways, in trucks coming from #Jordan. 12 arrested. Well-known L-shaped logo.

#Jordan thwarted yesterday an attempt to smuggle 65,000 Captagon pills coming from #Syria via Nasib border crossing. Shipment was hidden in a truck.

S. #Syria: Captagon seized this morning on border with #Jordan. Looks like the 2022 version is ready : "Lebanese Flower". Expected to massively flow to Gulf countries after exponential increase this year.

Lebanese security forces raided a warehouse near Beirut, seizing no less than 4 million Captagon pills. Pills were hidden inside coffee packs ready to be exported to #KSA. One Lebanese national & one #Syria|n arrested.

Several attempts to smuggle Captagon from #Syria were thwarted yesterday at dawn by #Jordan. They took advantage of bad weather to try to cross the border. It triggered a firefight with multiple wounded & pills seized.

#Jordan thwarted new attempts to smuggle Captagon from #Syria. 100s of packs w/ usual L-shaped logo & but also new golden one seized. This week witnessed unprecedented clashes w/ smugglers on the border, lasting hours, w/ killing of a Syrian Border Guard.

Captagon traffickers are using every method to try to smuggle the drugs. Lebanese authorities announced the seizure of a significant quantity of Captagon pills in port of Beirut, hidden in a shipment of plastic fruits ready to be shipped to a Gulf country.

#Jordan seized today its first shipment of Captagon coming from #Syria of the year. No less than 2.7 million pills were discovered, hidden in secret caches, in 2 trucks carrying iron & fruits at Nassib border crossing.

#Jordan seized another Captagon shipment from smugglers coming from #Syria. 200,000 pills confiscated at the border in a truck carrying fruits.

#KSA seized 2 big shipments of Captagon past days, totalizing 8.3 million pills. Coming via Jordan, drugs were hidden in fake onions & in silicone barrels. 3 arrested ( Industrial scale👇

For the 1st time Captagon smugglers coming from #Syria killed last night a Jordanian Captain (3 soldiers also wounded) during clashes. Pills seized. Using well established networks in Suwayda prov., those smugglers regularly try to infiltrate the border.

At dawn #Jordan thwarted a new attempt by Captagon smugglers to cross the border coming from #Syria. One of them slain in clashes. Group apparently the same that tried to smuggle drugs yesterday & killed a Jordanian Captain. 100,000s of pills again seized

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