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Mar 14th 2023
Must Read 🟢
Syrian sanctions relief: An ‘American trick’

The temporary lifting of #Washington's sanctions on earthquake-stricken and war-torn #Syria is 'misleading' at best, and stands in the way of relief efforts.…
... ... ...

The temporary lifting of crippling sanctions by #Washington on earthquake-stricken and war-torn #Syria is 'misleading' at best, and devastating at worst, by standing in the way of relief efforts.…
The temporary lifting of crippling sanctions by Washington on earthquake-stricken and war-torn Syria is 'misleading' at best, and devastating at worst, by standing in the way of relief efforts.…
Read 12 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
Aid and humanitarian initiatives

Shows of solidarity and aid to those affected by the earthquake continue in the #Syrian provinces of #Aleppo, #Latakia and #Hama.
In this sense, several local initiatives were managed, while planes and aid convoys from friendly countries continue to arrive in the country:
✅ A #Yemeni humanitarian aid convoy left the Yemeni Embassy in Damascus today.

✅ 100 #Iraqi trucks enter Syrian territory through the Albukamal border crossing, transporting relief materials, food, medicine, fuel and ambulances.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
🔔#Earthquake (#زلزال, #deprem) M4.4 occurred 57 km NW of #Latakia (#Syria) 9 min ago (local time 12:07:41). More info at:
#Earthquake 57 km NW of #Latakia (#Syria) 9 min ago (local time 12:07:41). Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyeswitnesses. Share your experience via:
#Earthquake 65 km NW of #Latakia (#Syria) 49 min ago (local time 12:07:48). Updated map - Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience via:
Read 4 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
NEW -- reports of a possible #Israel airstrikes hitting #Iran-linked targets in the western edge of #Aleppo International Airport as well as a section of the runway.
Here's video filmed showing #Aleppo International Airport in the distance -- showing multiple successive explosions.

Reports now coming in of possible airstrikes in #Latakia too.
*Highly* unusual to see #Aleppo International Airport targeted, or the Neirab Airbase next-door -- it speaks volumes about #Israel's perceived need to respond to #Iran's activities in #Syria.

Note -- #Israel hit #IRGC shipments at #Damascus International Airport in June.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
Update #Syrien .
#Israel attackierte gestern Nacht die syrische Provinz #Latakia .
Es heißt, es sollte auch eine 2. isr.Agriffswelle geben, aber sie sei von Russland verhindert worden.
Es wäre das erste Mal, dass Moskau in isr. Luftschläge reingrätscht.
Thread 👇
In der Nacht zum Mittwoch attackierte #Israel wieder das syrische Territorium.
Die genaue Abfolge bleibt immer noch etwas unklar.
Nach derzeitigem Wissensstand entwickelte es sich folgendermaßen:
Die israelische Armee attackierte Ziele auf syrischem Boden..
#Syrien #Syrie
Daraufhin wurde die syrische Flugabwehr aktiviert. Einige israelische Raketen seien abgefangen worden, wobei eine der syrischen Abwehrraketen ihr Ziel verfehlte und wiederum auf israelisches Territorium rüberflog, dort abstürzte und einen Brand verursachte.
#Syrien #Syrie
Read 11 tweets
Dec 28th 2021
#Israel is ending 2021 with an attack against #Syria when its Jets launched missiles against the #Latakia port causing serious damage. Israel is violating the international law, repeatedly attacking a sovereign country. The attack against Latakia is the second this month.
#Israel rarely strikes close to #Latakia, let alone inside the terminal, as #Russia maintains a base of operations nearby. Tuesday’s attack, at 02:15 local time is larger than the strike earlier this month. Israeli jets came from the Mediterranean Sea.
The explosions at #Latakia port could be heard in Tartus coastal city, 80 kilometres away. Ambulances were rushed to the scene and no info on casualties yet. The Syrian air defences were activated. The Latakia port is vital to the Syrian economy, already under harsh sanctions.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
Ich grüße euch aus #Latakia/#Syrien. Aus dem Land, das „komplett zerstört“ ist. In dem „kein Leben mehr“ stattfindet. Wo Assad sein ganzes Volk „unterdrück“. Weshalb Islamisten mit Hilfe unserer Steuergelder an die Macht gelangen sollten. Wohin nicht abgeschoben werden darf.✌🏼🇸🇾
Jetzt, beim Sonnenuntergang, sind noch viel mehr Menschen am Strand. Viele kommen dann von der Arbeit o. aber weil es tagsüber viel zu heiß ist.
P.S: Ich nehme mir heute Abend & morgen noch bisschen Zeit, um auf einige Kommentare zu antworten. Auch auf private Nachrichten. Komme aktuell wirklich nicht hinterher. Bin auch eigentlich im Urlaub. Also bitte Verständnis haben.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 28th 2021
#BREAKING: This footage released by #Russia MOD shows Tu-22M3 heavy bombers, MiG-31K missile carriers, Su-34 striker bombers and Su-35S fighters as well as an A-50U participating in an exercise for simulation of airstrike at #RoyalNavy's HMS Queen Elizabeth in #MediterraneanSea!
The #Russia Air Force's MiG-31K missile carriers are 90 (RF-95215) & 96 RED from 929th V.P. Chkalova State Flight Test Centre (929 GLITs). Each one had a single Kh-47M2 Kinzhal anti-ship air-launched ballistic missile. Both were flown from #Hmeimim Air Base, #Latakia in #Syria. Image
An A-50U AEW&C aircraft of #Russia Air Force flew from #Hmeimim over #MediterraneanSea & provided situational awareness for the Tu-22M3, MiG-31K, Su-34 and Su-35S pilots against F-35Bs of Fleet Air Arms/ #RoyalAirForce flown from HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier of #RoyalNavy Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 8th 2021
#BREAKING: #Israel Air Force conducted an airstrike during which Delilah cruise missiles were launched by F-16I strike fighters at multiple #IRGC & #Syria Arab Army targets in #Damascus & near #Homs. Video shows the Israeli F-16s flying over #Lebanon after missile launch 👇
#Syria Arab Air Defense Force tried to shoot-down the Delilah missiles launched by the F-16I strike fighters of #Israel Air Force over #Lebanon but was again unsuccessful. Here is a surface-to-air missile launched by SyAADF getting self-destruct after failing to hit a Delilah.
Watch that Pantsir S1E or S2 of #Syria Arab Army firing its cannon at the Delilah cruise missiles launched by the F-16Is of #Israel Air Force at #Damascus International Airport minutes ago:
Read 5 tweets
May 21st 2021
According to investigator Turkish journalists Turkey become an island of cocaine & MDMA/ecstasy and all drugs distributed from Turkish ports

A company founded by a pro Erdogan Syrian "businessman" with Turkish passport become MDMA provider for Arab countries (UAE, Saudi A. etc.) Image

The company name: Altın Atlar San. Tic.

*Founded in Kirikhan, Hatay (Near Syria border - #Afrin and Idlib)

Company Director: Hashem Kaddur born in Hama, Syria & now has a Turkish passport

Ports used: Mersin, Iskenderin &many more

Drug: Captagon (Millions of tablets)
Turkish mafia leader Sedat Peker revealed the network of Turkish cocaine/heroine transportation after that we found out Turkey also finance wars+proxy groups with Captagon sales, all tablets produced within Syria borders transported to Iskenderun or Mersin ports for distribution
Read 20 tweets
May 10th 2021
Although the candidates against #Assad are chosen very carefully by Mukhabarat, the Assad administration allow them to run their campaign only from 16th to 24th of May at a time that Assad since a while using the state and institutions for campaigning.
#Syria #SyriaHighlights Image
A thread on misusing the state and the institutions by #Assad for his campaign to the elections' play.
#Syria #SyriaFakeElections
Read 18 tweets
Mar 12th 2021
The secret war on oil smuggling to fund Hezbollah
The #smuggling axis and the money laundering- hundreds of millions of dollars that pass through 🇸🇾Syria to the #terrorist organization (#Hezbollah) in 🇱🇧Lebanon. This is how the "oil war" is conducted.
1/25–Part 1
#Iran's oil smuggling into Syria is not a new issue. They have been in place for several years, even before the #Trump administration imposed sanctions on Iran and on Syria.
The question facing Western intelligence was how #Syria pays Iran for the oil it receives. 2/25
As of May2018, when the #Iranians were barred from transferring funds in the international financial system, they had trouble getting the proceeds or payments for the oil they smuggled to China, North Korea, Syria & other countries like Turkey where oil was smuggled inland. 3/25
Read 25 tweets
Jan 20th 2021
#Syria: again a large quantity of drugs coming from Assad-held areas was seized. This time it was captured yesterday by SNA in E. #Aleppo CS. No less than 900,000 pills of captagon were hidden in a truck. ImageImageImage
Another large quantity of drugs from #Syria was seized yesterday, this time by #Jordan. Hashish & 214,000 pills of Captagon were seized.…
S. #Syria: today 5th Corps clashed with drugs smugglers coming from Suwayda in area of Bosra (E. #Daraa). 3 men were arrested, hashish & captagon pills also seized👇 ImageImageImageImage
Read 171 tweets
Jan 20th 2021
According to #Al_Arabiya, #Israel’s demand to remove #Iran and its militias from #Syria was discussed by Syrian and Israeli officials last month at the #Russia|n #Hmeimim base in Syria’s #Latakia
The meeting also included the Director of Syria’s National Security Office Major General Ali Mamlouk, Security Advisor at the Syrian Palace Bassam Hassan, Israel’s former chief of staff of the Israeli army Gadi Eisenkot and former Mossad general Ari bin Menashe
The #Syrian Foreign Ministry has dismissed reports about alleged secret meetings with #Israeli officials last month at a #Russian airbase in #Hmeimim.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Andy Beal's (Beal Bank) N123AB 9/27/20 Paris-Nice
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 9/26/20 London-Milan (~1h)-Nice 9/28/20 Nice-London

ICYMI: Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman used Beal's jet for some of their travels
Blavatnik "funneled millions into #GOP campaigns" ImageImageImage
Syrian Air's A320 YK-AKD 9/28/20 Damascus #Syria-Cairo
Third flight to Cairo in September

"Egypt sends forces to Syria for Assad regime. 150 soldiers deployed in Aleppo's western countryside, outskirts of Saraqib in southern Idlib countryside" July 2020… Image
Trump's private jet N725DT 9/28-9/29/20 Waterbury-Monmouth Executive Airport (~2h 15m)-D.C. (~25m)-Waterbury
N725DT seem to fly to D.C. every time there are crisis in the WH.
#TrumpTaxes ImageImage
Read 199 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 9/7-9/8/20 Aspen-LA-Aspen-Teterboro 9/9/20 Teterboro-Shannon-Dubai

Barrack hasn't been to the Middle East for months, apart of 4 short landings in Beirut after the explosion. I bet he's involved in the ME 'peace plan'. ImageImageImage
Rada Airlines' Il-62MGr EW-450TR 9/9/20 Maputo, Mozambique-Tekirdag-Doncaster/Sheffield, UK

Ew-450TR flew from Belgrade to Maputo 9/8 making a landing in Khartoum, indicating heavy payload
M-ABEC is linked to Prigzhin and Ilya Gubin, still in Maputo
Russian E-Cargo's 757 VP-BHM 9/9/20 Leipzig-Conakry, Guinea-Venezuela?
VP-BHM has made multiple flights to Caracas, Venezuela in 2020. In 2019 it allegedly flew gold out of Venezuela… ImageImage
Read 232 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
#Idlib #Latakia: Xhemati Alban released a video showing the use of their 12.7x108mm AMR to hit a (claimed) regime KPV at 1800m, which would be possible with the cartridge.

They helpfully ID'd the barrel and the optic, Schmidt & Bender 3-12x50 PM II. Seems 7N34 ammo is used. ImageImageImageImage
And here's the full video of the hit, including prep.

Certainly an interesting and constantly evolving group. If anyone wants to use their mathmatics skills to work out distance from shot-hit timing, feel free.
Looking at this video (In which a tracer can clearly be seen), it seems that 7N34 isn't being used as the video looked like to me, and more likely to be API-T. Not as precise, of course.

Read 3 tweets
Jul 18th 2020
The #Assad regime convert the #Syria|n people's assembly to "#Assad's puppets assembly". In this video the currently member Mohamed Kabnad said "Bashar Assad never sleep & at least we should kneel to him".
The election play tomorrow is one more message to the world the #Assad will never accept ANY political settlement. It is one more reason to see Assad as the part of the problem not of the solution.
In the constitution of 2012 the position of president has more power than the assembly, government, army & court together. Actually the assembly has the role to discuss unnecessary decrees for #Assad and some decoration proposes.
Read 49 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
Massive car bomb attack on #Russian vehicles within a joint Turkish-Russian patrol on the M4 highway in #Idlib.
#Syria Image
Exact location of the VBIED that happened shortly before the joint convoy entered #Ariha city.
First unconfirmed reports of three wounded Russian soldiers.
#Idlib #Syria Image
First high resolution image of the attack catches the moment, a Russian army vehicle is getting blown to the middle of the street by the power of the explosion. Image
Read 10 tweets
Jul 4th 2020
#Syria: drugs were shipped from #Latakia port & came from an #Aleppo factory equipped with large-scale industrial machinery, excluding #ISIS. Expect to see more of this as #Damascus is suffocating economically.
#Syria: another large drug shipment (incl. 4+ million of Captagon pills) was seized in Romania (largest seizure in the country). Ship again departed from #Latakia like for previous giant seizure in Italy.…
Seizures of large quantities of drugs coming from #Syria are multiplying. Captagon & Hashish seized by Egypt (6 + 2.5 tons, shipped from #Latakia port) as well as by Jordan past days.… Image
Read 53 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
This thread by @hxhassan is worth a read -- #HTS's violent response to #AlQaeda affiliate Huras Al-Din's overreach will have significant consequences.

A few additional notes of my own, to follow:

- This is all entirely consistent with #HTS/#JFS/#Nusra policy since ~2014.
@hxhassan My understanding of events leading up to the all-out fight differs somewhat -- #HTS's arrest of Abu Saloh al-Uzbeki
& Abu Malik al-Talli were *very* inflammatory to HaD. Both were crucial sources of finance & external networks. Plus, they came amid several escalatory accusations:
@hxhassan 1. After Abu Saloh's arrest, rumor swirled that #Turkey's MIT had transferred messages from #Moscow to #HTS, requesting his extradition via #Ankara in exchange for political & economic rewards.

Abu Saloh is accused of coordinating multiple attacks in #Russia in recent yrs.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
New Xhemati Alban media has yet more SPG-9DM and AGS-17 use in #Kabani #Latakia, including at positions that have been hit before. Mostly harassing fire.

Seen here, weapon setup, loading.

1/ ImageImageImageImage
I must say, Latakia looks beautiful. SPG-9/AGS-17 fire and hits on regime positions seen here, though I doubt the latter caused much cas.

2/ ImageImageImageImage
More long range targeting. In the second image, it does appear that the SyAA fighter is badly by shrapnel. This small outpost was also hit last summer. []

All quite standard action from the group.

[END] ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
The intra-jihadi dynamic in #Idlib is rapidly intensifying, as #HTS is seeking to re-assert itself vis-a-vis (1) the opposition, (2) local civil society, (3) #Turkey & (4) increasingly exasperated #AlQaeda-leaning factions.

In doing so, it's revealing its multiple identities.
In recent weeks, we've seen escalatory events:

1. Khaled al-Aruri's death in a US drone strike

2. Formation of the #AlQaeda-leaning 'Stand Firm' ops room

3. #HTS arrest of:
- Sirajideen Makhtarov (Abu Saloh al-Uzbeki)
- Jamal Hassan Zayniya (Abu Malik al-Talli)
- Tauqir Sharif
Weeks ago, #HTS was attempting to [re-]build bridges with #Idlib civil society & now it's cracking down on divisive #AlQaeda loyalists & defecting critics.

Hard not to see the drivers involved here:

- Protect internal unity & regional primacy
- Undermine #AQ
- Message #Turkey
Read 33 tweets

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