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garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here on @coolzonemedia / hrtwink / new article ⬇️

Jul 8, 2020, 19 tweets

Downtown Portland, Tuesday July 7th. There are a few hundred people here in front of the Federal Courthouse, right next to the Justice Center, protesting for the 42nd night in a row. #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

A closer look at the state of the Federal Courthouse. Note the “murder holes” (castle style) on the side of the plywood. #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

There has been a sit-in right in front of the federal courthouse for the past 20 minutes. Half a dozen people have given short speeches. #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

The group that came here for the “Night of Rage for Summer Taylor” have moved to Chapman Square and separated from the group doing the sit-in by the federal courthouse. #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

There is a minute of silence in front of the courthouse for Summer Taylor, an activist who was murdered at a Black Lives Matter protest in Seattle a few days ago. #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #summertaylor

Multiple speakers in front of the courthouse today are saying they are from a group in Eugene call Black Unity. Currently someone is talking about getting gassed and shot in Eugene during the first few days of protest.

The vigil for Summer Taylor in Chapman Square. Around a hundred people are in the park. #blacklivesmatter   #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #summertaylor

There has been some conflict between the group at the courthouse and the youth led vigil in the park. I plan writing a more in depth piece on conflict a later date.

Federal Officers out of the blue stormed the park. Unclear why or what their goal was. A few stun grenades were used. #blacklivesmatter   #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #summertaylor

The Officers moved back to one of nearby federal buildings and begun to aim and shoot munitions into the crowd. #blacklivesmatter   #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

Officers back in their building for now. I have heard rumors they are currently putting gas masks on. #blacklivesmatter   #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

The protesters seem to be all in front of the Justice Center now. #blacklivesmatter    #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

More disputes about the different groups. A lot of talk about wanting “unity” and not working with the police. Like I said before, after some more research I’ll write a more fleshed out piece about the conflict between the different protest groups.

The group has split, around 100 folks have left and 100 are still in the park. Here’s the candles from the vigil and the stun grenades that were thrown a bit ago.

Some PPB officers just appeared behind the Justice Center. Perhaps a shift change. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

As the police move across the street into the Justice Center the crowd decides to escort them in. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

The LRAD announced that the police are observing vandalism on the Justice Center, and maybe “people trying to brake in.” So they send the riot cops in response. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

And after blocking the road for ten minutes, the police decide to leave. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

We had one officer not coving his name tag. @TheRealCoryElia any throughts?

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