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garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here on @coolzonemedia / new article ➡️

Jul 10, 2020, 7 tweets

It’s time once again for the nightly Portland Justice Center protest thread. A bit of a smaller crowd than usual for the moment, but a lot of umbrellas. #blacklivesmatter   #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

Somebody has brought over a dozen umbrellas and painted them with the names of Black people that have been killed by the police. #blacklivesmatter   #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

Decided to finally check the now infamous Riot Ribs. This impromptu kitchen has made it through tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades. They have continued to grill amidst a war zone. #riotribs #PortlandProtest #blacklivesmatter #pdx #blm #portland #justicecenter

In the park there is a table set up with some zines on a variety of political and protest topics. #PortlandProtest #protest #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

We’ve had continued chanting for the past few hours. Maximum 200 people here. #PortlandProtest #protest #blacklivesmatter  #pdx #portlandoregon #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter

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