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garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here on @coolzonemedia / new article ➡️

Jul 16, 2020, 19 tweets

I’ve arrived in downtown Portland. Most protesters are around Lownsdale Park and Main and 3rd. This whole area was teargassed at 4 AM today. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

A crowd forms around some people giving speeches at 3rd and Main. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

A small portion of the speeches being given on 3rd and Main. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

Someone in the Federal Courthouse is flashing a light through a window on to the crowd in the park. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

There is now a laser vs flashlight fight going on. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

The laser v. flashlight battle has died down, however the tension in the crowd has not. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

There is someone faux vacuuming the federal courthouse? #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

And now the vacuum just lays in front of the courthouse doors. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

Reports that someone on the east side of the Justice Center confronted a suspicious looking green SUV. A person from inside the SUV case out, kicked and pulled on gun on the person, then got back in and drove away. I cannot personally confirm this, but I was told by a few folks.

And I’ve been shown a video of the green SUV driving away.

The crowd chants “Quit Your Jobs!” to the Portland Police Officers inside their garage in the Justice Center. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

A black SUV just drove out of the back of the federal courthouse.

We finally have the nightly fire at the former base of the stag statue. It is extra hot tonight. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

And they’re having themselves a little flag burning. #flagburning #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

A guy that people have been cautious of the past few days (camo pants guy) has been ejected from the crowd. And there was an argument about the security nature of a certain streamer that shows a lot of people’s faces.

The crowd has thinned out and I don’t think anything major will happen in the next few hours. I’ll probably be headed out soon. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #portland #justicecenter #riotribs #CLAT

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