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Jul 16, 2020, 18 tweets

KARKA SANKRANTI -The start of Dakshinayana

Every month sun transits into next sign and the day of transition is celebrated as #Sankranti. Karaka Sankranti is the transition of sun into cancer sign. This also marks the start of #Dakshinayana i.e. southern journey of

Sun god. The period of Dakshinayana will end after 6 months on Makar Sankranti.

The period of Dakshinayana is considered to be night time of Gods and it is believed that Gods rest during this time. During the period of Dakshinayana, pitris also come to earth and during

this time shraddha is performed. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day in form of Varaha Avatar. Varaha Swamy is regarded as the third reincarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Karka Sankranti punya Kaal: 05:34 AM to 11:03 AM
Karka Sankranti Mahapunya kaal: 08:45 AM to 11:03 AM


day is auspicious to pay obeisance’s to Lord Vishnu and chant Vishnu sahastra naam strotam. Donations given to needy on this day reap enormous benefits. Also, fasting & doing Puja on this day helps in cleansing of karmas. U should eat sattvic food and recite the name of Hari.

Astrologically, Sun will enter into natural 4th house of zodiac which is ruled by moon. Earlier it was Gemini in conjunction of mercury and Rahu. Sun was not comfortable with Rahu. Now it will enter cancer the sign of nurturance and also 12th from its own sign.Therefore,you

can expect mixed results of the same.
Rashi wise analysis of Sun transits into Cancer :

#Aries- Take care of mother’s health. Increase in Honor and respect in society. Some disturbances in home environment.

Taurus – You will put more efforts in your work and attain success. Progress indicated at work sphere.

#Gemini – Un-necessary troubles in family life. Health issues related to abdomen

#Cancer – Ego clashes with spouse, History of heart diseases and blood pressure!

#Leo – Low self-esteem, Take care of health and vitality, Not a good period for new investments!

#Virgo – Gains in business, Benefits from govt and fatherly figures, Rigidity in approach.

#Libra – Action oriented approach in business, Dominant in business, Respect in social circle.

#Scorpio – Unwanted delays and difficulties, Little tough on finances, Avoid confrontations with father and sibling.

#Sagittarius – Low self-image, Uncertainty and insecurity regarding finances, transformations.

#Capricorn – Partner may try to dominate in relationship, Work area disputes with managers.

#Aquarius – Auspicious results in competitive exams and jobs. Opportunities related to networking and innovation.

Pisces – Disruption in home environment & inflexibility in ur nature is highlighted.
These r general traits shared by the Rashis. The results can differ with the nakshatras and your individual chart. Thereby u r requested 2 take consultation for more specific effects in ur chart.

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