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garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here on @coolzonemedia / new article ➡️

Jul 17, 2020, 15 tweets

I am here right now. There is about 150-200 folks here and pizza just arrived. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

Someone on a megaphone told the group to gather their stuff and that we’ll be marching relatively soon. The march destination is still unknown. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

The march has arrived at the East Multnomah County Sheriffs Office. A few riot cops are waiting. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

People chant “No good cops in a racist system!” Only nine officers are visible currently. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

Officers are trying to make an announcement through their car speaker, the crowd easily drowns out the noise. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

The standoff continues. The police are shining their car lights into the crowd, making it hard to film. I’ve heard some sirens in the distance. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

About 10 more officers showed up, around 20 that are visible in all. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

The LRAD has arrived, threaten crowd control munitions, and told “peaceful protesters” to leave. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

This is what the LRAD tried to announce. I have not heard any chants talking about burning down the precinct. #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

It’s now almost impossible to see any officers. They are all hiding behind the bright vehicle lights. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

And there’s a little flag burning in the middle of the street. #flagburning #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

A line of umbrellas and reflective shields are in front of the crowd. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

This may be the chant PPB was referencing. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest

I am getting reports of feds at the Justice Center, I am headed there now. There is enough media at this precinct.

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