gare davis Profile picture
garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows / hrtwink /

Jul 29, 2020, 35 tweets

Back in downtown Portland reporting in front of the Courthouse/Justice Center. It’s Tuesday, July 28th. #blacklivesmatter   #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

The Feds try to make an announcement, they’re abruptly drowned out by the crowd. The gist is about not messing with the fence or being subject to arrest and crowd control munitions. #blacklivesmatter #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong

There are a few guys standing up very high on the courthouse. Many laser are attracted to the very same place. #blacklivesmatter   #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Really chill so far. Chants directed towards the courthouse, a fire in the fire pit, and Feds pacing up high on the courthouse. #blacklivesmatter    #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Oh boy, small fire in the courtyard. That means hundreds of people will need to get teargassed. #blacklivesmatter    #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Still Feds on the roof, they decide to shine a spotlight on a large group of press filming them. #blacklivesmatter    #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Just gonna put this here.

The Federal Protective Service has declared this an unlawful assembly. Also calling for “all peaceful protesters to head west and north.” #blacklivesmatter     #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms

Gas has cleared out for now, Feds still randomly throwing stun grenades. #blacklivesmatter     #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

A lot of DHS all over the place around Main, Salmon, 4th, and 3rd. #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Feds push west. One interesting thing a commanding officer says is “if you can’t get them, don’t waste your munition.” #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

The officers pull back a few feet and throw some teargas and smoke. #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

A firework lands next to some press and the Feds decide to advance west towards the crowd. #blacklivesmatter  #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

As the Feds advance west they shoot a massive amount of impact munitions. #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Teargas on 5th and Salmon in Portland. Two blocks from federal property. #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Officers pull back again and deploy some teargas that gets quickly kicked right back at them. #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Some weird new smoke (maybe gas??) that makes the canister glow red and emit black smoke(or gas?). #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

A lot of smoke and gas in the streets and park. The Feds head inside the courtyard. #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

Someone tosses a teargas canister back over the fence then gets repeatedly shot at. Their shield holds up. #blacklivesmatter      #Protests #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #MomsAreHere #Portlanddads

This was a fun way to end the night, one of us got given a letter from a boogaloo boy... Elaine and myself read it outloud.

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