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garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here on @coolzonemedia / hrtwink / new article ⬇️

Jul 31, 2020, 8 tweets

Thursday 7/30 in front of the Federal Courthouse in downtown Portland. Supposedly the first day Oregon State Police will be replacing some of the Feds.#blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #WallofVets

Wall of Vets in white tee shirts standing at 3rd Ave and Main Street. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #WallofVets

The park that previously had the protest kitchen was cleared out by Portland Police earlier today. Feels a lot emptier. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #WallofVets

Closer look at what the top antifa scientists have cooked up, also a few hockey sticks mixed in. (These are for moving teargas canisters by the way) #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #WallofVets

As midnight approaches we’ve had speeches & chanting. Wall of Vets still in front of the courthouse & an occasional officer spotting on the roof. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #WallofVets

Turns out when you don’t repeatedly shoot at and tear gas a crowd, things stay pretty calm. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #portland #oregon #blm #acab #PortlandProtest #PDXprotest #PortlandStrong #wallofmoms #WallofVets

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