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Data Scientist/Musician/Participant in the General Confusion @trutherbotprop Resist autocracy and research/counter disinformation. I serve the realm.

Aug 11, 2020, 8 tweets

We've seen tweets about recalling California governor @GavinNewsom flowing through #TheMighty200+ retweet rooms here and there over the last few days, and decided to give recall-related Twitter traffic a further look. #Lobsterfest

cc: @ZellaQuixote

We downloaded the most recent week or so worth of tweets containing "recall Gavin", "recall Newsom", "recall @GavinNewsom", #RecallGavinNewsom (and variants), or linking to recallgavin2020(dot)com, yielding 19639 tweets from 12630 accounts.

Retweet network for tweets about recalling Gavin Newsom. Among the more interesting major participants are former acting DNI @RichardGrenell and former GOP congressional candidate @RealOmarNavarro.

The accounts tweeting about recalling Gavin Newsom are disproportionately recent creations, with a very visible spike in accounts created March 2020 or later. We've seen this same pattern among the followers of major MAGA/Q accounts.

The hashtags in these accounts' profiles are mostly right-wing (#MAGA, #KAG, etc). Q-related hashtags are notably absent. This is a recent change, however - prior to Twitter's QAnon enforcement actions, #WWG1WGA and #QAnon were the 4th and 5th most common hashtags, respectively.

Update: @RichardGrenell found this thread and weighed in, followed quickly by a bunch of random #MAGA accounts, most of whom seem to have utterly failed to read the thread they were replying to in its entirety (or at all, in some cases).

The "Everyone I Don't Agree With Is a Russian Bot" meme in response to a thread that doesn't mention Russia anywhere was particularly hilarious. Thanks, @moneyrulesfools!

(brief summary of the #MAGA reaction)

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