gare davis Profile picture
garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows / hrtwink /

Aug 13, 2020, 43 tweets

The Nightmare Elk! Back in downtown Portland Wednesday Aug 12th for the first time in a while. A gathering is planned for 9 PM. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong #blacklivesmatter

Some new additions to the city. A mobile command center on top of city hall and what looks like a satellite tower across the street. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong #blacklivesmatter

Apparently the satellite looking thing is an prexisting weather beacon. On the other hand, I cannot load tweets or open links right now. It shows I have four bars of data, but can do a lot of stuff.

About 250 people in the vicinity currently. Cell signal is still on and off for me. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong #blacklivesmatter

A lot of what’s called “peace policing” type speeches going on right now. Some comments about the need for “law and order.”

The crowd size has increased to about 400. People still mostly standing around and listening to speeches/chanting. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong #blacklivesmatter

Folks moving more to the federal courthouse. The Sacred Fence still stands. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong #blacklivesmatter

Green 4 standing by. (My ballistic helmet is broken so @45thabsurdist lent me one of their x-wing helmets)

A pig head with a police hat is set on fire in the street. A Trump 2020 flag gets tossed in. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Small fire set in the courtyard. A few fireworks have also gone off. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

We got a leafblower here. It reads “Point Towards Tyranny” #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

LRAD is here.

LRAD saying criminal activity such as fireworks and fire setting near the courthouse must stop now. No unlawful assembly declared yet. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Looks like there is a shift change going on at the Justice Center. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Unlawful Assembly declared, orders to leave north and west. Threats of teargas and all the other regular stuff. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

The crowd makes a turn, officers follow. Cops keep pushing protesters and press even though it’s impossible to move forward at times. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Portland Police assault and arrest someone that has fallen down. A smoke grenade is deployed. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

I’m about ten minutes behind in uploading footage, but for a timely update- a riot has just been declared. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

The crowd turned north. Police try and fail to chase two people down. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

An officer shoves someone that tries to pick up a smoke grenade. Other officers get pulled by into the line. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Another bull rush, multiple people knocked over. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Officers used stun grenades then got milkshakeed. I did not get the milkshaking but you can see the after math and the cops defend against water bottles. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

A cop throws a stun grenade into a crowd of people then the police rush forward again, using smoke grenades along the way. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

The police keep their distance from their own smoke. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

The milkshaked officer pointing their riot gun at random people. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

At this point the police declared a riot, threw some smoke, and drove off. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

The protesters marched back to Justice Center where riot cops awaited them. Teargas shot into the air. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Near the beginning of tonight’s teargassing via the Portland Police Bureau. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Lots of different types of teargas canisters tonight. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

Chapman Park is throughly teargassed, also the surrounding streets. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

As the office pressure westward, they rip the tires of a medic truck. Also pushing journalists trying to do their job. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

The cops shoot teargas at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

A police riot line is formed at the end of the concert hall. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

After forming a riot line, Portland Police and Oregon State Police head out. You get a good look at all the veichles they’ve been using tonight. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

The ripped tires on the Timbers Army medic truck. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong

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