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Aug 15, 2020, 43 tweets

We’re up in North Portland where a group of several hundred protestors is facing a police line on N Ainsworth St. Follow along for live updates! #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Protestors began to march in this direction from Peninsula Park around 9:20. They marched while chanting “Say his/her name” and responding with the names of victims of police brutality. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx

Police are making announcements over the LRAD telling protestors to get out of the street. Protestors are chanting “Take it to the streets, fuck the police, no justice, no peace.” #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon

Protestors are now chanting “Black lives matter.” They have formed a shield barricade, however there are a handful of people in front of it including a drummer. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Protestors are now on the move marching on N. Montana Ave. They are chanting “Take to the streets, fuck the police, no justice, no peace” and “stay together, stay tight, we do this every night.” #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #pdxprotests

Protestors are still marching. They are now chanting “No Trump, no wall, no USA at all” and “no cops, no prisons, total abolition.” #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Portland police have begun marching up N Killingsworth towards protestors. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Police and protestors are now in a standoff at N Killingsworth and N Mississippi. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

A couple paint ballons have been thrown into the street near officers as well as one water bottle, but nothing beyond that. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

More Portland Police officers are coming from N Mississippi. They are making announcements declaring the assembly unlawful and ordering people to disperse. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Portland police have moved towards the crowd and pushed it back. They have used smoke, projectiles and flash bangs. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Portland police move towards the crowd and use flashbangs. They repeatedly order press and legal observers to remain on the sidewalk. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

The group seems to have splintered after that. There’s currently approximately 100 back at Peninsula Park. They are working on regrouping now. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

A dumpster fire burns at N Rosa Parks Way and N Albina Ave. Protestors are now on the move again. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Portland Police aggressively push the crowd forward again. They continue to make unlawful assembly announcements. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Police backed away (at least for the moment) and protestors are marching again. They are chanting “Black lives matter.” #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Protestors are at an intersection, police are a block away and a dumpster fire is between them. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Portland police marched up approximately a block and a half. Protestors remain about a block away. Police have been consistently yelling at press to stay on the sidewalk. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx

Protestors continued to march. Officers just met them and began to push them up NE Lombard yelling “move.” #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Protestors are being moved through residential neighborhoods at a fast walk, sometimes a run. They are being followed by the line of riot police and 5 vehicles. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

~250 protestors are gathered in the intersection of N Buffalo & N Commercial. Police have moved away again after chasing the crowd for 15+ minutes through residential neighborhoods. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon

There’s a standoff on N Mississippi and N Lombard. There’s only ~15 officers on the ground here right now and a couple hundred protestors. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

More officers have arrived. Protestors are currently standing on the sidewalk. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest

Officers are holding everyone (protestors, press, legal observers, etc) on the sidewalk & are yelling at everyone who steps into the street. Protestors are spread out along a block. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx

An officer records protestors from the open window of a riot van. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

The second riot van and the rest of the Portland police officers have left as well. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

A riot line has formed on the other side of the I5 overpass. Protestors are on the sidewalk; some are slowly moving over the overpass towards officers. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

Police have moved so they are only blocking two lanes to allow traffic through. Protestors are slowly moving off the sidewalk into the two lanes. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

PPB’s riot line is now spanning all the lanes on Lombard. Protestors have filled two lanes and are chanting “Quit your job.” #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

Portland police rush towards the crowd at a run and push protestors back to the area around N Mississippi and N Lombard. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

That bullrush over the I5 effectively split up protestors, who seem to be moving back towards the park to regroup. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

As protestors walk towards the park, PPB vehicles, both the riot vans & SUVs, have passed by several times. A couple officers yelled “Time to go home” from the back of the van. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx

There’s a small group of dozens at Peninsula Park. Protestors have been talking about another group or two in the neighborhood for a while, they are currently organizing a regroup. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdx

Well we were on the way out of the area, but we ran into PPB officers pushing the crowd back over the Lombard I5 overpass. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

There are over a dozen Portland Police vehicles behind the line of officers pushing the crowd back. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

There’s about as many officers as there are protestors now at the intersection of N Mississippi and N Lombard. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest #clypiancoverage

The LRAD began to make an announcement ordering a man on a scooter w a speaker to move out the street. Before it ended officers charged towards the man & arrested him. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest

Protestors and police remain in a standoff on one corner of N Lombard and N Mississippi. Protestors are chanting “Whose streets? Our streets” and yelling at the officers. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest

A member of the press & an officer are arguing about the TRO. The person is asking the officer to let him do his job. The officer told him that there were people in the crowd labeled as press who aren’t. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #pdx

I’m calling it a night! There’s a very small group left in N Portland that seems to be trying to make it to the Police Union Hall still, but most protestors have headed home. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx #pdxprotest

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