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garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows / hrtwink /

Aug 17, 2020, 12 tweets

Sunday Aug 16th, I’m in downtown Portland at the Justice Center covering the protests here tonight. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

Little over 100 people in the vicinity around the courthouse, smaller than usual, but the night is still relatively young. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

A black if SUV just pulled into the back of the Justice Center and lots of armed sheriff’s officers came out. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

Back in the front of the Justice Center/Courthouse, numbers are fading. Folks could be taking the night off after a few days in a row of going hard. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

As the crowd from the front moves to to back, the officers stationed outside enter the Justice Center. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

Some pepperoni sticks were thrown at this man while he was waiting to enter the JC, he leaves to presumably enter through a side door. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

The weapon in hand.

Upon further inspection the object appears to be a candle. Negative on the pepperoni.

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