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Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Aug 19, 2020, 6 tweets

It is occasionally useful to profile a now suspended pro-Kremlin troll. Meet Nardeep Pujji who has had two different accounts recently suspended. #infoOps #osint #disinfo

Nardeep Pujji has long been a pro-Assad propagandist and of course promoted the Kremlin line calling the #WhiteHelmets group terrorists. We were most familiar with Nardeep's first account @AWAKEALERT created in 2009 & found it in the #Hamilton68 set #InfoOps #osint #disinfo

Here are the top hashtags and top URLs that the @AWAKEALERT account used back in June 2018 when we first analyzed this account. #infoOps #osint #disinfo

Here were the top URLs that the pro-Kremlin troll @AWAKEALERT used when we analyzed the account in January2019 #infoOps #osint #disinfo

After the @AWAKEALERT account got suspended in early 2020 it appears Nardeep spun up @violetpandora which also eventually got suspended. Prior to putting this thread together ... we were not aware of this second account. It has a creation date of 2012 unlike 2009 for @AWAKEALERT

According to Archive[.]org the first tweet we could find for @violetpandora was one in 2015 which had a different screenname & profile pic. There appears to then be a 5 yr gap where the next tweet is in April 2020 and now uses Nardeep Pujji and the same profile pic as @AWAKEALERT

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