gare davis Profile picture
garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows / hrtwink /

Aug 19, 2020, 30 tweets

At Colonel Summers Park in SE Portland on Tuesday Aug 18th. A march is about to begin. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

I’m almost 85 days of protesting, there’s never been a main evening march in this area. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

People chant “Defund PPB how much? 50% at least! Where does that money go? Back to the community!” #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

The march has arrived at the country building on Hawthorne. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

PDX snack van and a mutual aid van are here. Some surveillance cameras have been spray painted over. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

The 2020 mascot, the humble dumpster fire, has arrived at the scene. #blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

Got some paper on fire in front of the door, and there’s some damage to a window. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

More this window was broken and some flaming debris was tossed in. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

Riot declared.

Riot cops have showed up, no munitions used yet. The small fire in the building didn’t not catch on. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

A corner is turned. An officer tries to grab an umbrella, failing at first, succeeding the second time, but then hitting a fellow officer with it. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

The group marched for a few minutes and at 10:45 they met another riot team. Police did a second bull rush. This one is more physical. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

An officer approaches someone filming and commands them to leave. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

One officer throws construction cones and signs (not put there by protesters) right at some reporters. A different officer tries to place them more gently. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

Back in the present, folks still marching through the streets. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

Not many folks decided to leave after the first few police encounters. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

As the crowd nears the area of the county building again, a team of riot police show up and march the crowd away. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

The crowd made a turn and got boxes in by the police. Neither the protesters nor police really knew what to do. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

The cops start messing with some press people. Not the best angle, but you can see some aftermath & a press person retrieve some equipment from the street. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

Cops charge forward again, not many people left in the street to rush. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

A riot line forms, and officers try climbing over this outdoor dining area, I will rate their parkour ability at another time. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PortlandStrong #PortlandPolice #pdxprotest

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