Boo Soon Yew 🇲🇾 Profile picture
A Liverpool Fan from Malaysia.. who is also a born-again Christian and has a keen interest in education.. now embracing a political responsibility + catman meow

Aug 20, 2020, 13 tweets

The story of #hydroxychloriquine .. we are all familiar, those who had been tracking #COVID19 from Feb 2020.. till now..
BUT I'm going telling to you, there's another side to this story, which ultimately shows #HydroxycholoroquineWorks !! cc @raoult_didier…

It all started from Raoult's study as detailed below.. 3 groups;
Group 1: 14 Px given HCQ or #hydroxychloriquine ,
Group 2: 6 Px given HCQ + #azithromycin
Group 3: "control group" of 16 from other hospital; no new Rx or refused.. 1/n…

Then rationale of not having usual RCT (Random Controlled Test) .. coz to Raoult, it's morally NOT right to withhold a possible effectice treatment to deadly disease.. Remember, all this would be in Mac/Apr of 2020 in Europe.. hotbed of #COVID19 .. 2/n…

So in comes the #hydroxychloriquine or HCQ .. and its study parameters.. and the AMAZING results: Group 1: on HCQ alone, 70% no positive for #COVID19 by day 6. Group 2: on HCQ + Azm, 100% no positive by day 5 .. 3/n…

Then comes the critique.. despite the potential benefits if given early..
#HydroxychloriquineWorks .. Some chose (and still are) vehemently opposing the use of #hydroxychloriquine for #COVID19 ..4/n…

Sometimes it borders on political conflict as the ultimate reason rather than one based on common sense & logical thinking.. with more blame heaped on the drug.. 5/n…

Yet in all the political showmanship.. there was an open interesting situation.. Democrat rep with #COVID19 vs #hydroxychloriquine .. and as they say, the rest is history. History that records #HydroxycholoroquineWorks !!
cc @realDonaldTrump
.. 5/n…

Now back to the @raoult_didier .. This time it was another study with a bigger sample of n=1061.. published on 1st May 2020 .. But with still time for caveat for similar studies elsewhere.. 6/n…

Malaysia was using #Hydroxychloroquine in May 2020.. 8/n…

Then usage of #Hydroxychloroquine was stopped in #Malaysia for treatment of #COVID19 Px by late June 2020.. 9/n…

Yet benefits were clearly expected of #Hydroxychloroquine in treating #COVID19 in #Malaysia .. perhaps it was the method it was used that led to its discontinuation.. 10/n…

We are past 7 months of #COVID19 in Malaysia.. even 9 months counting from Wuhan, China.. we have come a long way.
Treatment regime is being fine-tuned by clinicians.. Vaccines being developed by scientists with funding from private & govt.
Let's continue fighting COVID together.

@threadreaderapp unroll .. Tq

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