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Tagaungkat ng past sa bawat pa-🍵. Tweets are mine, wag assuming. #TheChroniclesOfAssholes

Aug 25, 2020, 8 tweets

#JusticeForBeaAnsado #JunkTerrorLaw #StopTheKillings
When #MarcosIsNotAHero was buried in the LNMB, his apologists/historical revisionists rejoiced & our Vivian Velez or #VivianTheTroll was one of them. Nakakahiya talaga #NinoyIsAHero

The Republic Defenders led by #BokbokCalida called for national unity arguing that the issue was a close case, move on na daw. #NeverAgain #NeverForget #MarcosMagnanakaw

The said group is composed of DDS fandom claimed to be the vanguards of "real change". #NaDuterte kung baga #OustDu𓆉

Does anyone of you remember the #LookAtMe incident in #EDSA People Power Anniversary involving #DuterteYouthMarcosBabies and @Jimparedes? The reason why #VivianTheTroll maligned Jim's mom. Ikaw ang #DuwagCalida

#BokbokCalida hailed Cardema et al and made them members of the group. Wow na wow! #BawalAngShunga, di ba Com. @rowena_guanzon?

Of course, #BoboKaPaRinLarry came to their rescue too & volunteered to be their lawyer. Our heroine #VivianTheTroll was there to witness the circus show. @Jimparedes isn't a blind follower & he isn't laos #VivianLaos

Let's connect all the dots. Ready? @indaysara ➡️ @bongbongmarcos ➡️ @RonaldCardema ➡️ @SAPBongGo ➡️ @SolGenCalida ➡️@VivianV6 ➡️🐢 #DDSSilangLahat

Here are stills of the Wedding of the Century happened in Davao w/ all that jazz. #SinongNinongAtNinangMo #TheEnd

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