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Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Primates, Hominidae, Hominini, Homo, H. sapiens, Homo sapiens sapiens. Opinions are my own. And stupid.

Aug 26, 2020, 6 tweets

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Joey Hood and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iraq David Copley, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs On the Recent U.S.-#Iraq Strategic Dialogue…

On US withdrawal from #Iraq:

"The President has directed us to get our forces down to lower levels as quickly as possible"

No sign US expects anything tangible from GOI in terms of its commitments to protect US troops/Iraqi civilians from #IRGC militias.

On Kataib #Hezbollah: "We expect to see the Iraqi Government increasingly asserting itself as it turns its focus from entirely on ISIS to getting sovereign control over all of its territory again from all groups, no matter what they look like."

"I think the Iraqi Government understands that these lawless, Iran-backed militias are a threat to their sovereignty"

US wants KRG, Turkey, and Iraq to coordinate in removing #PKK militias from #Sinjar

"We are talking to all parties about this at a high level."

Q: How will you defend US interests in Iraq with no military presence?

A: "We are confident that we will be able – with the partnership with the Iraqi Government – to protect our interests in Iraq."

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