Richard Black Profile picture
Director of Policy & Strategy @emberclimate. Hon Fellow @ImperialCollege, Sen Assoc @eciu_uk, ex sci & envt @bbcnews. Energy & climate, sometimes sport & music

Sep 8, 2020, 8 tweets

So what difference has the #COVID19 lockdown made to carbon emissions? We, @ECIU_UK - well @johnlangab, to be precise - made a graphic…

To tell the story, here's your host for the evening - Brick

So yes, emissions are down this year. But, as Brick relays, because global warming is related to the total CO2 we emit over centuries, 2020 is still a year that warmed the climate of the immediate future...

...and in so doing, took the world closer to the overshooting the #ParisAgreement 'guardrails'. So... if the lockdown-induced emissions trajectory doesn't provide much of a boost to curbing climate change, does anything else?

There is now a big conversation in many countries about #BuildingBackBetter - how best to spend the trillions of public money, our money, that are being committed. And there's a consensus among economists that 'green' measures bring multiple benefits

...benefits in terms of reducing climate change for sure, and improving health and air quality, bringing faster economic growth and providing more jobs

The UK has a major role to play in determining whether this actually happens, because as @UNFCCC @COP26 COP26 President and #G7 chair next year, it has a unique chance to set the global agenda. How big will Brick be by the time #COP26 hits Glasgow in November?

Brick tells the story much better than I do, tbh - and here's where he lives…

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