gare davis Profile picture
garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows / hrtwink /

Sep 9, 2020, 43 tweets

At Waterfront Park in Portland Oregon, where there is a protest march planned to happen soon. It’s Tuesday 9/08. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

As the march begins, Bella Ciao plays, as has become tradition in Portland. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Officers out in front of the Transit Police Office in downtown Portland. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Police vehicles and officers were, and still are, blocking the Max line. Few protesters and press have moved in front of the line as well. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

LRAD announcing not to block the max line. Vastly more police and police equipment are on the tracks. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Right after the announcement, protesters and press clear the tracks, Police do not. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Protesters are moving further away from the tracks, Police still stay put blocking the Max line. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

More “riot” police at Davis and Naito. Currently a standoff. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

LRAD was just blaring “the street is open to traffic” and now the group is on the move again. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

As the crowd is moving away, a few cops charge forward. Unclear why, but they don’t manage to grab anyone. #blacklivesmatter   #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

As the police are blocking the MAX tracks, they command the protesters to get off the tracks or face arrest/use of force. The crowd has already demonstrated the willingness and ability to let the MAX through. Police however have not.

Cops charge further into the street and make arrests. People tackled in the ground. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Police arrest someone in one of the Wall of Moms shirts. She was standing on the sidewalk at the time. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Another arrest as someone filming walks across the street towards a crowd of press. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

The crowd marches around the block and chants “Fuck Brent Taylor” to Brent Taylor. Police still blocking the MAX line. Protesters are currently in a parking lot. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Protesters have marched to the Justice Center. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Police declaring the area by the back the Justice Center “closed,” including the sidewalks. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

The crowd has moved to the front of the Justice Center and surrounding parks. This area is home to where most of the teargas has been used in Portland. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Sound on! Weirdest LRAD remix I’ve heard.

In actual news, LRAD is telling people to get off the street and stay on the sidewalk. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

The crowd has moved yet again, there is now a dance party in front of city hall. #blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Portland’s most dangerous rioters are at it again!
#blacklivesmatter    #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

New rap song about Mayor Ted performed live by NoShu, in collaboration with Trumpet Man. Full song at

#blacklivesmatter  #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

The people threatening to ruin a perfectly reasonable street dance party. #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Portland Police have just “closed” a massive section of downtown to pedestrians. Threatening arrest and teargas. The past hour of protests have been a concert/dance party. No violence at all from protesters tonight. #blacklivesmatter #acab #PortlandProtest #portlandpolice

Right cops have shown up to move the crowd, this has not been declared an unlawful assembly nor a riot. #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Police push someone over on Madison and Broadway. #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Police charge to arrest famous Portland Protest drummer Tabitha Poppins. She was lawfully crossing the street from sidewalk to sidewalk, past the “closed” zone. #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Cops roll out after doing a series of arrests in this non-riot and “lawful assembly.” #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Riot van pulls up as the crowd marches back to the Justice Center, and arrests someone flipping the police off. #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Officers moving back to their riot van. Again this isn’t a riot and protesters haven’t initiated any violence tonight. #blacklivesmatter     #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Police charge out to make another series of arrests. #blacklivesmatter      #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

Interesting that Portland Police was actually talking to this “press” member. They rarely talk to press. He was giving police a link to his livestream to watch. #blacklivesmatter      #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

The officer they were speaking to knew their channel by name already. Cops also took one of their business card, which for some reason they gave to me, during an argument about why I thought it was noteable the police were talking to them specifically.

As police arrest a houseless person, they begin throwing up on the ground and then cops start pushing press. #blacklivesmatter      #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

The man begins to go into a seizure, folks tell the police to turn off their sirens due to the flashing lights. #blacklivesmatter      #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

The man continues to seize on the sidewalk. #blacklivesmatter      #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

The ambulance drives off, cops leave soon after. #blacklivesmatter      #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest #portlandpolice

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