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Sep 10, 2020, 13 tweets

A large fire has started at #Beirut Port, #Lebanon.

Significant column of black/dark smoke rising from the area.

I'm assuming some form of fuel is burning due to the darkness of the smoke?

Video circulating social media showing the fire, appears to be coming from some of the damaged warehouses during the port explosion.

From reports, it appears to be a fuel and tyre's being burnt.

Video showing firefighting teams battling the blaze, which is reportedly due to fuels and tyres being burnt at #Beirut Port, #Lebanon,

#Lebanese Army has issued a warning to citizens to stay away from the perimeter of the port and to evacuate roads due to the intensity of the fire.

Video captured reportedly after the moment the fire started. Workmen can be seen running back from the area of the fire (rightly so). #Beirut, #Lebanon.

Personnel and equipment being evacuated from #Beirut Port, column of black smoke appears to be getting larger. Reports suggest the fire has ignited an adjacent warehouse as Firefighting Teams continue to battle the blaze.

Short video showing the sky over #Beirut, #Lebanon starting to turn dark/black with smoke. If you don't have a mask on, i'd advise putting one on ASAP. Air quality will start to lower.

Videos continue to be uploaded to social media showing the column of black smoke rising over #Beirut, #Lebanon as the cloud continues to cover a large portion of the city.

Looking at the videos and photos coming out from the fire, I believe it is in this area.

Video captured from inside one of the Warehouse next to the blaze in #Beirut Port, #Lebanon. Clear view of tyres stacked on the floor and shelving.

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