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Sep 12, 2020, 7 tweets

Influence policy w/ Postcards for America
Contacting Elected Officials; All levels
*Focused until Nov 3rd on #Elections2020*
Find #GOTV postcard opportunities here:
FB Group Postcarding facebook.com/groups/postcar…

I gathered for ALL 50 states ALL 1st dates to APPLY for & ALL the alternate ways to return your completed #AbsenteeBallot with LINKS to apply to #VoteByMail #MailInVoting #AbsenteeVoting
➡️ postcardsforamerica.com/vote-by-mail.h…
➡️On Medium medium.com/@postcards4USA…

Since 45 & GOP are trying to 86 #PostalService, here are FIRST DATES to APPLY & all ways to RETURN Absentee Ballots
#VoteByMail #AbsenteeVoting #EarlyVoting
All can be found on #PostcardsforAmerica website ➡️ postcardsforamerica.com/vote-by-mail.h…
On FB,(shortlink) here pc2a.info/VoteByMailAbse…

Want to check out Democratic Candidates?
Page on #PostcardsforAmerica website has all Democratic Candidates ALL 50 STATES
#Congress2020, Govs, AGs SoS
Postcards & Links.Follow & Support every Candidate (post-primaries)
➡️ postcardsforamerica.com/all-democratic…
& ➡️ postcardsforamerica.com/all-dem-candid…

Help ensure fair elections. Be A Poll Worker
State-by-State Requirements for 50 ALL STATES & links to sign up
Also #YouthAtTheBooth @pollheroproject
Twitter THREAD:
FB Album: facebook.com/pg/postcards4U…
Doc pc2a.info/BeAPollWorker2…

23 GOP Senators up #Elections2020 #FlipTheSenate
THREAD w/ postcards & links for All Democratic Candidate:

FB: facebook.com/postcards4USA/…
Doc pc2a.info/23GOPseatsSena…

So far, #25Women have gone on record with sexual accusations against Trump
Detailed thread of all.
-Sexual Assault (which has sub-categories of Rape, Groping, Kissing w/o Consent); #TrumpIsARapist
-Harassment (Dressing Rooms);

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