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Sep 12, 2020, 11 tweets

Afghanistan's government and the Taliban will meet for peace talks in Doha in a bid to end nearly two decades of war, though a quick breakthrough seems unlikely

#BREAKING Historic Afghan peace talks open in Doha

#BREAKING Afghan govt negotiator thanks Taliban for 'willingness to negotiate

#BREAKING Afghan govt negotiator calls for 'humanitarian ceasefire' with Taliban

#BREAKING Taliban negotiator renews call for 'Islamic system' for Afghanistan
Pompeo urges Afghan talks to 'seize opportunity' for future generations

#UPDATES Historic peace talks open between the Taliban and the Afghan government, with the warring parties meeting face to face in Qatar even as violence continues on the ground in Afghanistan

#BREAKING NATO chief Stoltenberg hails Afghan peace talks as 'historic opportunity'

VIDEO: 🇶🇦🇦🇫 The #Taliban delegation arrives at a hotel in Qatar's capital Doha for peace talks with Afghanistan's government in a bid to end nearly two decades of war #afghanpeacetalks

VIDEO: 🇶🇦🇦🇫 Historic peace talks between the Afghan government and the #Taliban seeking to end 19 years of war have opened in Qatar's capital Doha. The US-backed negotiations come six months later than planned after disagreements over a prisoner swap #afghanpeacetalks

#UPDATE The head of NATO hailed the start of peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government on Saturday as an "historic opportunity", while warning that violence in the country remained "unacceptably high." #afghanpeacetalks

VIDEO: 🇶🇦🇦🇫 As peace negotiations between Afghanistan's government and the #Taliban open in Doha, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urges the rivals to "seize the opportunity" to end hostilities for the sake of future generations #afghanpeacetalks

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