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Jan 8th 2021
2nd round of the #intraAfghanNegotiations
@PeaceIRAfg delegation is going to Doha after meeting the government’s leadership and reconciliation council”: @7Anajia , spokeswoman of @SMP_AF

“We are ready and have no problems. The agenda will be prepared by the sides’ agreements who have already agreed on. This is impossible that one side try to impose their opinions on the other”: @IeaOffice, #Taliban Spokesman.

Read 36 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
Peace talks between the Taliban and Afghan government get down to business, with the search for a lasting ceasefire one of many key challenges up for discussion ImageImageImage
Four Afghan women who endured the Taliban's oppressive rule and have fought for fragile gains since the militants were ousted are facing the hardline group in peace talks ImageImageImage
#UPDATE Peace talks between the #Taliban and Afghan government negotiators got down to business in Doha on Sunday, with the search for a lasting ceasefire one of many key issues up for discussion #afghanpeacetalks ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
Afghanistan's government and the Taliban will meet for peace talks in Doha in a bid to end nearly two decades of war, though a quick breakthrough seems unlikely Image
#BREAKING Historic Afghan peace talks open in Doha Image
#BREAKING Afghan govt negotiator thanks Taliban for 'willingness to negotiate Image
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