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Advisor to Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller 2010-2014.

Sep 12, 2020, 12 tweets

You endorsed @SheriffBernal & @stevemcshane - do better.

Bruce Taylor is in business with Dave Drew. 🤔

Bruce Taylor acquired multiple Oldtown #Salinas buildings in partnership with Basil Mills family. (during deferred compensation scandal)




Bruce Taylor’s brother, Steve Taylor, sold his #Salinas McMansion to Dave Drew for $1.8 million dollars. Dave flipped it months later for zero profit. #BusinessOwner


Bruce Taylor told the publisher of @salnews how to write articles (and she listened) Bruce controls a multi-billion dollar company @Gannett owned Salinas Californian operates out of a rented water closet, next to a Yogurt store. #journalism


Bruce Taylor wanted Bankers Casino in Oldtown Salinas, for future Taylorville, #Salinas Mayor Dennis Donohue made it happen.

Later Donohue put his personal residence soley in his wife’s name and “retired from politics” - only to accept a job working with Bruce Taylor


Bruce Taylor’s business associate/partner Dave Drew received a bizarre pardon from @JerryBrownGov.

Dave Drew is a Trump supporter and was crimin’ through the entire 8 year pardon journey.


Bruce Taylor bought a building across from his HQ in Oldtown Salinas. A “private facility” with no signage and a nice basement.

Former @SalinasPD chief @Kelly_McMillin bought the house next door to the building, from 🍕 Mike Hackett’s friend. According to County Records


Kelly paid $5,000 more than Hackett’s friend did - in 2005

(because we all know 2005 - 2019 real estate in California was relatively flat 😂 ). The property will be used for distributing Botox and other essential services.



What else is there that the @MontereyHerald @salnews and @MCWeekly fail to thoroughly report on?

A lot more ...


... ask me about Taylor’s dog sitter.





I helped a whistleblower nav. this crisis for a year prior to charges filed by a reluctant DA, at the time (Flippo) - including working directly with the reporter in exposing this crime, for the community benefit.

2020 @YourTaylorFarms tells workers they will be fired


but it will be marked a “voluntary quit” - so Taylor Farms doesn’t have a rise in unemployment premiums.

Just like billion dollar company Stone Container vis-à-vis #WorkComo premiums.


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