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memento mori

Sep 14, 2020, 12 tweets

1/10 🇸🇪 Graphs updated including August. Only September left and this👇🏽 graph is complete. Comparing October through August looking at all cause mortality.

Following tweets will focus on all cause mortality in Sweden:
-No adjustments
-Crude adjustments

2/10 Link to my previous thread will be in last tweet, containing more details on Swedish #covid19 data. This thread is shorter and focus on all cause mortality. Here we see January through August. 2020 similar to eg 2012, 2013 & 2015. +

3/10 Looking at rolling three months average we see that current short trend is down since spike in April and that the long trend in general is downwards as well probably due to better general health and better health services. +

4/10 Without adjusting for population growth we see that 2020 rise above average of 2015-2018 with as much as 2019 dips below, difference is 13 days of death. +

5/10 When looking at the same graph but adjusting for crude population growth the one year that is noticeable is 2019. #covid19sweden +

6/10 Additionally looking at age standardised mortality rates in Sweden between 2000 and 2020 (eurostat data week 1 through 34) we notice that so far year 2020 isn’t as apocalyptic as one would think. +

7/10 This is despite the bump between April and March due to #COVID19. Gladly we see that number of #covid19 deaths have plummeted and last 10 weeks have been at or below average deaths of 2015-2019. +

8/10 Finally two graphs looking at trend and average of past 20 years. April, as noticed above, is the month where the spike really occurred. +

9/10 It’s more pronounced when comparing to trend of past 20 years. However, both July and August have now been experiencing low all cause mortality. +

10/10 As indicated earlier👆🏽 this thread was shorter than my previous threads. More data can be found in threads linked below👇🏽

10/10.1 Additional graph to correct horisontal title in first tweet.

10/10.2 adding, thank you for input on graphs in tweet 6, 8 & 9:) @TTBikeFit

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