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Tagaungkat ng past sa bawat pa-🍵. Tweets are mine, wag assuming. #TheChroniclesOfAssholes

Sep 15, 2020, 13 tweets

JK Rowling is trans-phobic, a betrayal of Harry Potter's message. #RIPJKRowling means the author who brought us hope is dead, not the person. She's a death eater. A thread @HarryPotterFilm #TransLivesMatter
Dumbledore's message:

#Gryffindor (red & gold) is connected to fire; #Slytherin (green & silver) to water; #Hufflepuff (yellow and black, representing wheat & soil) to earth; & #Ravenclaw (blue & bronze; sky & eagle feathers) to air. #RIPJKRowling but #HarryPotterLives

Remus Lupin’s affliction was a conscious reference to blood-borne diseases such as the HIV infection, with the attendant stigma. #GetTested #LoveYourself #EndTheStigma #RIPJKRowling but #HarryPotterLives #TransLivesMatter

3. Names also reveal the characters’ true natures. #RIPJKRowling but #HarryPotterLives #TransLivesMatter


In French, mal foi means “bad faith,” fitting for a character whose family follows the evil wizard #HeWhoMustNotBeNamed. V’s name comes from vol de mort, or “flight of death," as he fears dying & does everything to be immortal. #RIPJKRowling #HarryPotterLives #TransLivesMatter

#Hedwig is the only friend he had at number four, Privet Drive. Her loss represented a loss of innocence & security. Voldemort killing her marked the end of childhood.
#SaveOurChildren #ChildhoodMemories #RIPJKRowling #HarryPotterLives #TransLivesMatter

“My mental health problems are real. They are valid. I will not judge myself for the bad days when I can barely get out of bed.” — Matt Joseph Diaz #DepressionIsReal #MentalHealthMatters #MakinigNamanTayo #RIPJKRowling #HarryPotterLives #TransLivesMatter

6. Mirrors are the #WindowToTheSoul.
#HarryPotterLives becomes entranced by his image w/ his parents in the #MirrorOfErised (“desire” spelled backward). #RIPJKRowling #TransLivesMatter #LoveWins

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