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Kristie 🍁 | I post about all things paranormal | Not a researcher, just curious |“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” -Mark Twain

Sep 21, 2020, 7 tweets


Among the collection of #paranormal stories Bill claims during his time in the British Military - there is 1 that definitely stands out.

While on watch one night, Bill witnessed a mass abduction take place at his base camp.


Around 9pm, Bill & a few soldiers noticed a strange orange mist coming towards them.

Thinking it was a simulated gas attack, they retrieved gas masks but when they returned they were surprised to see everyone at the camp was fast asleep.

#UFO #UFOtwitter #aliens

Bill and a fellow solider went back on watch & soon saw a bright light & more smoke approach them from the forest.

As if turned in to Zombies, all the sleeping soldiers suddenly arose & began walking in unison towards the light.

#UFO #abduction #UAP

To Bills surprise, unfamiliar blonde haired armed men dressed in black emerged from the woods & pointed a gun at Bill insisting him to walk towards the light with the others.

He reluctantly followed.

#UFO #Abductee #UAP

Everyone seemed to "wake up" while standing in the field but no soldiers could remember what exactly happened, including Bill.

The military officers sternly told the men they were required to sign an NDA & they must never speak of that evening.

#UFO #Abduction #UFOtwitter

Bill went on to experience more bizarre occurrences after the incident including:
- being harassed by Freemasons
- having visions of Serial Killers murders
- receiving alien implants

& many more which he has detailed in his book.

#UFO #UFOabduction

for more details on the story of Bill Brooks and his paranormal occurrences while serving for the military (there are a lot!) check out:…

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