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#OrangeTheWorld - A thread on reproductive control, coercion and entrapment 🧵

As a #trapped populations scholar, I have lately spent a lot of time thinking about reproductive #coercion, #control and #entrapment. (i)
The #familycourts appear to fail to understand, acknowledge and interrupt these dynamics of #coercivecontrol in their current system. (ii)
Many perpetrators of #coercivecontrol will already begin to put pressure on or introduce the idea of a child during the early love bombing phase. (iii)
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Subí esta noticia en noviembre #LaPampa #abduction…
Luego llego el circo, la mujer q evidentemente no esta bien, poco cuidada x la familia decia esto:…
En este ultimo viaje a #LaPampa hice unos cuantos ktros, casi al limite con prov. de Bs as, para hablar con esta mujer. No lo logre, pero hable con los médicos q la atendieron cuando la encontraron y la Policia la traslado, voy a relatar el testimonio #Datos no #opinión.
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/14/2021…
As COVID's Omicron variant spreads, an Australian research team is 'very concerned' about discovery on its origins - ABC News…

#omicron, #COVID19, #variants, #transmissibility, #virulence, #GlobalControl
The Consequences of Moving from Industrial to Financial Capitalism – Consortium News…

#IndustrialCapitalism, #FinancialCapitalism, #consequences
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#Japan #NorthKorea #Tokyo #Abduction

On Friday, the Japanese government created an official YouTube channel to provide details about the abductions of Japanese nationals by North Korea in the 1970s and 1980s,
with a video featuring Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga vowing to promptly bring them back home. Suga clarified in a 58-minute video that the long-standing issue is the "top priority" of his administration and
said there is little time to wait to reunite abductees with their elderly family members. "There is no time to lose. We will do everything we can without missing any opportunities to ensure that all abductees return home as soon as possible," said Suga,
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Among the collection of #paranormal stories Bill claims during his time in the British Military - there is 1 that definitely stands out.

While on watch one night, Bill witnessed a mass abduction take place at his base camp.

#UFO #UAP Image
Around 9pm, Bill & a few soldiers noticed a strange orange mist coming towards them.

Thinking it was a simulated gas attack, they retrieved gas masks but when they returned they were surprised to see everyone at the camp was fast asleep.

#UFO #UFOtwitter #aliens Image
Bill and a fellow solider went back on watch & soon saw a bright light & more smoke approach them from the forest.

As if turned in to Zombies, all the sleeping soldiers suddenly arose & began walking in unison towards the light.

#UFO #abduction #UAP Image
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While fishing with his dog one night, Alfred noticed lights in the forest which seemed to get closer.

Eventually 2 small #alien beings approach him from where the lights were & they invited him back to their #UFO.

Alfred accepted. ImageImage
Alfred described the #alien beings as:

- 4 feet in height

- Thin limbs

- Pale-green helmet with black visor

- Pale-green coveralls

- No obvious buttons, zippers or fasteners on their clothing. Image
Once on board Alfred noticed an octangular shaped room which seemed to be made with only 1 piece of metal.

The #Alien beings examined him & asked how old he was.

Alfred stated he was turning 77, the Aliens told him:

“You can go! You are too old & infirm for our purpose!” Image
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The night of September 19, 1961 would forever change the lives of Barney & Betty Hill.

Thinking their vacation was over, the couple would be enroute home from Canada

where they would involuntarily take the trip of their lifetime.

#UFO #abduction #Abductees #alien ImageImage


the highway back to Portsmouth was barren.

While Barney drove, Betty noticed a bright erratically moving star in the sky..

she convinced Barney to pull over for a better look..

#UFO #abduction #Abductees #paranormal #aliens ImageImage

An odd shape with flashing multi-coloured lights was revealed when Betty looked through a pair of binoculars toward the luminous object that seemed to be following them.

Barney had a hard time agreeing until he noticed its unusual movements around the sky.

#abduction Image
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in 1957, 5 year old Jesse Long & his brother were exploring the woods & came across a 'round house under construction' 🛸

When a tall figure appeared with a long rod in his hand & a light emanating from one end which left both Jesse & his brother paralyzed.

#UFO #abductee ImageImage
Through hypnotic regression, Jesse remembers being taken aboard the craft & separated from his brother.

He was put onto a cold, hard table & had an un-earthly device embedded into his shin which he had removed 34 years later.

#aliens #implant #abduction ImageImage
Jesse claims to have been abducted numerous of times since the initial event.

As years went on the abduction experiments became more traumatic, eventually having semen extracted & forced to crossbreed with a female alien. ImageImage
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43. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 341 tweets

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