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Sep 23, 2020, 14 tweets

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman commends the distinguished work done by the @UN Secretary General @antonioguterres to raise the organization's efficiency #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman calls for peaceful coexistence and solidarity between world countries and their peoples #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: King Salman says Saudi Arabia extended hand to Iran in peace ‘over the past decades, but to no avail’ #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman says Iran exploited nuclear deal ‘to intensify its expansionist activities, create its terrorist networks, and use terrorism’, producing ‘nothing but chaos, extremism and sectarianism’ #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman says a comprehensive solution, firm international position needed to stop Iran getting weapons of mass destruction, stop its ballistic missile program, stop interference in other countries #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman says the Iranian regime targeted Saudi oil facilities last year, does not care about the stability of the global economy #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: King Salman tells #UNGA that Saudi Arabia will not hesitate to defend itself, will not abandon people of Yemen until they gain independence from ‘Iranian hegemony’ #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman: ‘Our experiences with the Iranian regime have taught us that partial solutions do not stop its threats, there must be a firm international position to prevent Iran from obtaining weapons of mass destruction’ #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: King Salman says Saudi Arabia has a responsibility to protect Islam from the practices of terrorist organizations, which ‘find a fertile environment to appear in countries experiencing sectarian divisions’ #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: King Salman says Saudi Arabia supports efforts to advance the #MiddleEast peace process and US effort to get Palestinians, Israel to start negotiations to reach ‘fair, comprehensive’ deal #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman says Arab peace initiative provides basis for a comprehensive and just solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman condemns foreign interventions in Libya, calls on the Libyans to come to the negotiating table #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman says Beirut port blast occurred as a result of #Hezbollah’s “hegemony” over decision-making process in Lebanon by force of arms #UNGA #UN75

#LIVE: Saudi Arabia's King Salman says #Hezbollah must be disarmed for Lebanese to achieve security, stability and prosperity #UNGA #UN75

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