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A proud native Detroiter #Liberal #GrammyofTwo #Democrats #MomofFour #WelshTerrier #twinmom #RESIST #Indivisible #DemsWork4USA @DemsWork4USA

Sep 27, 2020, 9 tweets

This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This section is called: ACHIEVING UNIVERSAL, AFFORDABLE, QUALITY HEALTH CARE
Only one party has a specific plan for ensuring EVERY American will have access to quality healthcare as a human right..the other fights to TAKE IT AWAY. 1/10

#Democrats have fought to achieve universal health care for a century. We are proud to be the party of #Medicare, #Medicaid, and the #AffordableCareAct 2/9 #DemPartyPlatform #healthcare

Because of the Obama-Biden Administration and the #AffordableCareAct, more than 100 million Americans with #PreExistingConditions from heart disease to asthma, are secure in the knowledge that insurance companies can no longer discriminate against them. 3/9 #DemPartyPlatform

Because of the #AffordableCareAct, Women can no longer be charged more than men just because of their gender. And more Americans are able to get health coverage than ever before.4/9 #DemPartyPlatform #Healthcare

#Democrats will keep up the fight until all Americans can access secure, affordable, high-quality health insurance—because as Democrats, we fundamentally believe health care is a right for all, not a privilege for the few. 5/9 #DemPartyPlatform #healthcare

Unfortunately, at every turn, #Democrats’ efforts to guarantee health coverage have been met by obstruction and opposition from the Republican Party. 6/9 #DemPartyPlatform #healthcare #HealthcareIsAHumanRight

It has been Republicans who have embraced junk plans that undermine protections for pre-existing conditions. 7/9
#DemPartyPlatform #healthcare #PreExistingConditions

It was Republican state attorneys general who sued to block Medicaid expansion and Republican governors who refused to extend #Medicaid coverage to their citizens, leaving millions of low-income Americans, disproportionately people of color, unable to access health coverage. 8/9

In the midst of the worst global pandemic in generation..one that has left more than 200,000 Americans dead and counting-the Trump Administration is fighting in court to invalidate the entirety of the #AffordableCareAct and eliminate insurance for tens of millions of people. 9/9

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