WaterBluSky.bsky.social. 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦 Profile picture
Just a mom who’s concerned for our great country. Blacktina. Won’t be satisfied until tfg is in chains #StrongerTogether 🫶 #VoteBlue 💙 #HarrisWalz #NAFO #NATO

Oct 3, 2020, 7 tweets

You all do realize that #MAGA invested their reputations and possibly their money in #Hydroxychloroquine and now their heads are EXPLODING knowing that their own #KAG president is NOT taking it.

Q heads are pissed.

The kook doc that Rudy pushed on Fox viewers, touting the miraculous benefits of HCQ for Covid, he’s a World Net Daily-truther who thinks Dr. Fauci should be indicted.

Dude’s a straight up nutter.

ZERO patients died! OMG! Why is @POTUS not on HCQ?! 😱🙄

@POTUS 4/20: Vladimir Zelenko, the NY doctor who posted a video promoting hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment, got a call the next day from Mark Meadows. He now speaks to Rudy Giuliani daily,"

Why Trump NOT taking #HCQ? LOL

Didn’t it come out that this guy’s separatist settlement was funded with RU oligarch money? I can’t recall all the details. It’s strange, 🙄 that Rudy keeps bumping into these types.

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