Carrie Fowlie Profile picture
Community worker - community control, human rights, equity, health, harm reduction, communicable disease elimination, public policy

Oct 19, 2020, 26 tweets

I am attending the #UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs intersessional

This is the only time #hepatitisC is on the workplan

We must prioritise people who use drugs to achieve our #hepatitis elimination goals

This is my thread 🧵 ⬇️ 1/

#CND2020 #CND63 #SDG3.3 #HepFreeFuture

- 11.3 million people inject drugs
- 48.5% #hepatitisC prevalence
- More than half of the 585,000 people whose deaths were drug related were due to #hepC

@UNODC_HIV #CND2020 #CND63 #HepFreeFuture #NoHep


Indigenous peoples experience criminalisation, racism and discrimination

Structural barriers must be overcome to promote engagement and access to health services including harm reduction #hepatitis


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At @CND_tweets 2019 Ministerial Segment Indigenous peoples, including from Australia, Canada and New Zealand, made an intervention that included a call for an International Indigenous Drug Policy Network.

Read their full statement here

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The first #UN @CND_tweets resolution to mention Indigenous peoples is:

61/7: Addressing the specific needs of vulnerable members of society in response to the world drug problem

This was led by Australia in 2018, much++ more is needed
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- Harm reduction is public health
- Important role of @WHO in setting standards of care
- Need global health policy eg. Global Strategy on Viral Hepatitis
- Epidemics can be prevented, reversed & eliminated

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@AnnetteWHO shows us that #hepatitisC is the infectious disease with the biggest burden for people who use drugs



Globally, 19.9% of the 11 million people in prison are living with viral #hepatitis

#CND2020 #CND63

Some take home messages:

⬇️ #hepC incidence = ⬆️ harm reduction

⬇️ #hepC prevalence & mortality = ⬆️ access to unrestricted direct acting antivirals

⬇️ criminalisation, stigma, discrimination = ⬆️ empowerment, health & human rights

#CND2020 #CND63 #HepFreeFuture

Fantastic to hear so many #civilsociety voices at today’s intersessional!

Well done & thank you @theVNGOC @CND_tweets @UNODC

#CND2020 #CND63


Do New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) matter to #hepatitis elimination? Yes!

Day 2 of the #UN #CND63 #CND2020 intersessional is looking at cross-cutting issues particularly health


Gady Zabicky Sirot from @CONADICmx speaks to a triple health threat for people who use drugs:
- substance use disorders
- mental health disorders
- #hepatitis and other blood borne viruses

#CND63 #CND2020

#INCB Board Member Amb. David Johnson highlights the concurrent epidemics:
- overdose
- #hepatitis
- #COVID19

People who use drugs have been adapting to survive this syndemic

@INPUD @aivl @WE_ARE_ANPUD @covidforpwud

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@MonicaCiupagea from @UNODC_HIV highlights:

- People in prison are a priority

- Significant #hepatitisB and #hepatitisC risks from New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)

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We undermine #hepatitis interventions if we don’t:

1. Centre & resource affected communities

2. Have supportive laws, policies, attitudes, systems, programs, etc

3. Ensure people are safe

15/ @UNODC_HIV #CND2020 #CND63 #HepFreeFuture

More great #civilsociety voices #CND2020 via @theVNGOC

@naz_mag @drugpolicyctr urged member states to act where efforts are most needed & effective by prioritizing & investing in evidence-& rights-based policy, health & harm reduction interventions


Australia’s national statement highlighted:
- Health & law enforcement balance
- Transnational crime
- Methamphetamine harms
- Research on new/emerging drugs
- Regional Global SMART Programme funding
- National Drug Strategy’s 3 pillars inc harm reduction ⬇️

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Australian #CivilSociety priorities eg:
- ‘Vulnerable populations’ incl Indigenous peoples
- Fundamental role: affected communities & NGOs
- Overdose, #hepatitis, other harms
- Public health responses ⬇️
- Stigma & discrimination
- Criminalisation & #HumanRights

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Australia positions partnership between governments and #CivilSociety within the purpose of its National Drug Strategy & National #Hepatitis Strategies

It is invaluable when the Australian Government reiterates this commitment in international policy forums

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Australia’s #hepatitis elimination leadership should be showcased:
- mobilizing & centring affected communities
- unrestricted access to antiviral treatments
- harm reduction & other services that meet people’s needs
- universal health care

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Day 3 of @CND_tweets 2020 thematic discussions is looking at the #2019MinDec challenge on the #availability of internationally controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes @UNODC #CND2020 #WDR2020


Australia has been strong at @CND_tweets in its position on access to essential medicines

Unrestricted & affordable access to curative #hepatitisC direct acting antivirals & harm reduction are two of Australia’s great public health achievements

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The remaining @CND_tweets intersessional workplan themes are:
2021: Crime
2022: #HumanRights

Important to have strong #CivilSociety voices in these discussions including Indigenous peoples, people who use drugs, people impacted by viral #hepatitis


In preparation for the 2022 @CND_tweets thematic intersessional on #HumanRights... perhaps #CivilSociety & government could stocktake Australia’s implementation of the ‘International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy’

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Thank you to the Australian Government for meeting with #CivilSociety in advance of this #CND2020 intersessional

The past 4 years has resulted in increased intl drug policy dialogue

I’m privileged to be part of the Australian Civil Society Committee on #UN #DrugPolicy ⬇️


Thank you @CND_tweets @UNODC @theVNGOC @ausgov #CivilSociety for all your efforts towards this #CND2020 thematic intersessional on health & harm reduction

Look forward to participating in the #CND64 session in April 2021!


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