Liz Webster Profile picture
Founder of Save British Farming, campaigning to join the Single Market to Save British Food.

Jan 22, 2021, 12 tweets

Fascinating @guardian interview with Stanley Johnson from 2012.

Clip 👇 and full interview here

Could provide some answers to the utter disregard of economic prosperity with #Brexit and #COVID19 if Stanley has played #CriticalRole in his son’s ideology.

There was this strange event too…

Like father like son? Clearly @EamonnHolmes sees more than a resemblance. 1/2 👇

Part 2

“As far as immigration from third countries is concerned, here too – I would argue – we have to take back the control of our borders which we appear to have lost, de facto if not de iure.”…

Here’s Stanley advocating for a mega emergency which would “take out huge chunks of the human race”.

Stanley Johnson shocked viewers when he joked that it was okay to 'hit your wife over the head if she's got the scrambled eggs wrong.'…

To be fair, Stanley Johnson is passionate about population control.…

It’s an incredible coincidence that as the eldest son of a man who spent his life advocating for depopulation became PM, a virus took hold and ensured a pandemic. Which in turn saw 🇬🇧 have one of the highest death rate in the 🌍

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