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Don't sit idly by. Speak up. #Onpoli #ABleg #cdnpoli #uspolitics. #Disinformation decoder, #OSINT sleuth. Politics, dogs, music.🇨🇦🇺🇸🌻

Feb 8, 2021, 9 tweets

Ontario, be aware of AstroTurf organizations pretending to be grassroots “non profits” that are, in fact, well funded groups seeking to dismantle public healthcare. “Concerned Ontario Doctors” launders disinformation through its organization, posing as patient advocacy. #ONhealth

Any comments on their FB page calling them out or asking difficult questions, will be very quickly deleted.
In addition, flawed anti-lockdown propaganda is presented as “science”. For example “The Great Barrington Declaration”, debunked here: queensu.ca/gazette/storie… #ONpoli #OMA

To this day, “The Great Barrington Declaration” petition remains the pinned post on the “Concerned Ontario Doctors” (COD) FB page. Who’s behind this petition? Far right libertarian “think tank” the American Institute for Economic Research. #ONhealth #ONpoli #cdnpoli

This is the type of organization behind “COD”.
#AIER is Koch affiliated & has published portrayals of climate change as minor with titles such as "Brazilians Should Keep Slashing Their Rainforest". Their COVID stance is reckless unscientific propaganda. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_…

“Concerned Ontario Doctors” aka #CareNotCuts, is a dark-money funded front group. Its purpose is propaganda, roping in well meaning people thinking they’re sharing information from doctors advocating for better healthcare. In reality, the agenda is privatization of #ONhealth.

Notice the following: COD uses multiple names: “Concerned Ontario Doctors”, “Care Not Cuts” & “We Are Your Ontario Doctors”. This is a strategy. It keeps them seeming somewhat benign as all of these names sound positive & sound like something you’ve heard before.#ONpoli #ONhealth

But also notice the posts they share. Almost exclusively RW publications. #PostMedia, esp the #TorontoSun, but also publications like RW 🇬🇧 Tory supporting Spectator (UK) & pro-GOP Washington Examiner. Never any posts advocating for better funding for public #ONhealth. #ONpoli

This is how quickly @OnCall4Ontario acts to silence anyone who shines a light on what they’re doing. I replied to a comment on their Twitter & in less than 3 minutes I was blocked. Their social media is constantly monitored, ANYTHING they don’t like is deleted, the person blocked

I’ve never interacted with either of these disinformation-spreading members of this multi-named front group, yet I was blocked by its founders in addition to its official Twitter page, for posting this thread. Hilarious for a group that talks about “free speech” #onhealth #ONpoli

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