Wim Zwijnenburg Profile picture
Military Drones/ Robots| Conflict, Climate & Environment| UN Green Star Award | Contributor @bellingcat | views are my own. @wammezz@mastodon.green

Apr 1, 2021, 7 tweets

In its new Protection of Civilians Handbook @NATO also expands on #environmental protection considerations. A welcome development following last years #UNSC debates and side-events on environmental, peace and security. A short thread: 1/x

The introduction explains that PoC also includes protection of " the natural environment, as well as necessary public services linked to civilian critical infrastructure, such as potable water, sanitation, and electricity". 2/x natolibguides.info/Environment

In the planning phase of NATO operations, environmental protection considerations should be part of the analysis, including a baseline study and and environmental impact assessment to ensure minimization and mitigation of environmental impacts 3/x

In case of encountering environmental damage (think of burning oil wells etc) , @NATO troops should have specific expertise e.g. engineers to 'Mitigate Harm' to civilian populations, in particular vulnerable groups. 4/x

The PoC Handbook also reflects on mitigating 2nd or 3rd order effects, including the impacts of its own military operations and how environmental damage can impact local populations. Will @NATO also look at the @ICRC Updated Military Guidelines on #PERAC? 5/x

The Handbook also recommends improved reporting on #environmental protection by its engineers.. Sharing information on targets, munitions types and amounts, available environmental assessment are helpful for humanitarians, deminers and local authorities for PCEAs 6/x

Anticipating a follow-up report by UNOCHA on Protection of Civilians and Protection of the #Environment in May 2021, we will follow-up with a more thorough analysis and events soon. Stay Tuned! 7/END

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