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Software Engineer • COVID-19 Research, Bioinformatics & Statistics • Articles: • Genomics Chat:

Apr 7, 2021, 6 tweets

NEW Data Update on

CDC had skipped last week, now find mortality data up to week 12, 3/20 on the site!

1) Week 9-11 no more significant excess.
2) Ages 25-74 still very high substantial excess
3) 85+ dipped below the normal



1) Aggregated over all age groups, in week 9-11 it dipped below the "Substantial Increase" threshold (4x stddv) for the first time, since the start of the pandemic.

Last week is still very uncertain, as less than 60% of data in...


2) <25 Never had any significant excess during the pandemic, proofing that the young are unaffected by the virus, but likely very affected by the measures.
Middle age groups remain very high - despite vaccine rollout. I suspect that there are many lockdown deaths included.


3) The 65 year age group which should have had access to the vaccine now since a while, not doing much better than e.g. in week 37/2020 - still at the same high excess level of 7x stddv excess.

Two highest age groups are good - with 85+ even having submortality. DryTinder?


Excess Mortality!

2020 Reported: 3,437,019 deaths. Expected deaths were 3,042,412. Increase of 394,607 deaths (13.0%).

2021 Reported: 868,845 deaths. Expected deaths thus far, were 745,959. Increase of 122,886 deaths (16.5%).


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