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Apr 13, 2021, 9 tweets

#BREAKING Russia accuses US, NATO of turning Ukraine into 'powder keg'

#UPDATE Moscow has accused the United States and other NATO countries of turning Ukraine into a "powder keg," after the West sounded the alarm over Russia massing soldiers on Ukraine's border

#BREAKING Russia 'must end' Ukraine military build-up: NATO chief

#BREAKING US to station 500 more military personnel in Germany: defense secretary

#UPDATE The United States will station 500 more military personnel in Germany in a bid to strengthen bilateral ties, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says at the start of his first visit to Europe

📸 US soldiers participate in a training exercise in Hohenfels, southern Germany

#UPDATE NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has told Russia to end its "unjustified" military build-up around Ukraine as Kiev and Washington's top diplomats gathered for talks in Brussels

#UPDATE US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin underlined the Biden administration's commitment to closer ties with Germany by announcing an increase in troop levels in the country on his first official trip to Europe

#BREAKING Russia has deployed troops to Western borders for "training exercises" in response to "threatening" NATO actions: defence minister

#UPDATE Moscow has sent troops to its Western borders for "training exercises" in response to "threatening" #NATO actions, Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday, as NATO told Moscow to end its "unjustified" troop build-up on #Ukraine's border

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