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Zonal Office of Press Information Bureau @PIB_India, M/o Information & Broadcasting @MIB_India, Government of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Apr 19, 2021, 6 tweets

All above the age of 18 eligible to get #Vaccine against #COVID19

Govt. announces a Liberalised and Accelerated Phase 3 Strategy of Covid-19 #Vaccination from 1st May



Govt. has been working hard over a year to ensure max numbers of Indians are able to get the #Vaccine in shortest time

- PM @narendramodi

All above 18 can be vaccinated from May 1



Several important decisions taken in a meeting chaired by PM @narendramodi

Pricing, Procurement, Eligibility & Administration of #Vaccines being made flexible in Phase 3 of the Vaccination Drive

Read in detail pib.gov.in/PressReleasePa…

States empowered to procure additional #Vaccine doses directly from manufacturers

Also open up vaccination to any category of people above 18 years

@airnews_mumbai @MahaHealthIEC @MahaDGIPR

#Vaccine manufacturers incentivized to scale up production & to attract new national/international players

Vaccine manufacturers empowered to release up to 50% supply to State Govts.

Read decisions taken in a meeting chaired by PM 👉pib.gov.in/PressReleasePa…

Govt's #Vaccination drive to continue as before
Free vaccination for essential, priority populations i.e Health Care Workers, Front Line Workers & 45+ population

Read in detail on Govt's Liberalized Phase 3 Strategy of #COVID19 Vaccination from 1st May


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