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God|👮🏾‍♂️| ig:czezreadams #BlackLivesMatter #LGBTQ #policeofficerbae #KHIVE #DaDoll #CowboysNation #DukeNation #DallasCowboys #NewYorkForever #VUU #NJ #NYY

Apr 20, 2021, 11 tweets

15 yr old blk girl shot 5x in the chest and pronounced dead at 5:21 pm in Columbus Ohio. #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter

So far it’s said she was in a fight and pulled a knife out. No commands were given when cops pulled up just her being shot

Than the nerve of the officers on scene to yell “blue lives matter” to residents as the 15 yr old lay breathless smh tf!!! #nojusticenopeace #BlackLivesMatter #SayHerName


A crowd now showing up

This is the officer who shot her!!!

#MakiyahBryant #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter

*Warning ⚠️ this is graphic *
#MakiyahBryant #CPD #BlackLivesMatter

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