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In Financial Markets since 2014 Premium group: https://t.co/h07LAeAOEd Analyst: @BecauseBitcoin Trader: @BBWealthMGMT NEWSLETTER 👇

Apr 25, 2021, 28 tweets


Many people got very scared the last two weeks considering the moves in #BTC price.

This thread will help you gain all the clarity you need for months to come and understand why this is still a great and maybe last good time to invest in #Bitcoin cheaply.

First of all, it is important to realize the dominant Higher Time Frame trend is BULLISH 🐂

We are talking about a Monthly or even Quarterly timeframe.

And you must understand that this sharp downward movement is nothing but a healthy correction in a larger trend.

Many media news will show you a picture of this kind, stating how $BTC is crashing heavily with a move of - 25% in 11 days and that the bull market is over.

This is being done with the intention to evoke fear in you and sell your #Bitcoin so that someone else can buy cheaply.

What you must understand is the timeframe you invest in.

Our HTF bullish trend is on the Monthly timeframe whereas this correction is inside of weeks. If you invest with the prospect of holding for months or years, you truly have nothing to fear, and I will show you exactly why

This is a chart of the $DJI - Dow Jones Industrial index showed all the way back to the great depression.

I will use this one as a fractal of where I believe we currently are with the #Bitcoin cycle which is the blue box.

As you can see it went into a huge bubble in August 1929 followed by a 25 year-long bear market (Green box).

Once it broke out All-Time High (ATH) in 1954 it went straight all the way up to 1000 points which is apx 1900% since the bottom and formed a big re-accumulation range.

Looking at #Bitcoin price I see a very very similar pattern just much quicker.

A bubble top in 2017 ✅
Followed by a long bear market ✅
Once it broke ATH it went straight all the way to 65K ✅
That is apx 1700% move vs $DJI 1900% ✅
Currently forming re-accumulation range ⌛️

If I'm correct we could see a scenario very close to this one happening.

#BTC accumulates inside of this range for the next few weeks/months, in the meantime, $ALTS run heavily and $CRYPTO space experiences #Altseason2021

Then $BTC proceeds to continue its bull market 🐂

Looking at $DJI to present with a logarithmic chart we can see that from our range price went on to move another 250% in the next big move & 4000% move to this day.

That is how great opportunity lies ahead of you.

Applying the same strategy to #Bitcoin that give us apx 200 000$ this cycle and 2 500 000$ with the big move.

That's how early we might be.

Now, to support all of the above we gonna look at some on-chain data provided by @cryptoquant_com

I'm looking here at the net exchanges outflow vs the $BTC price which really has caught my eye recently.

Understand this:
Exchanges outflows = Bullish
Exchanges inflows = Bearish

The reason for that is that many big participants buy #Bitcoin at the exchange and then send it to their cold storage with the intention to hold for a longer period of time.

Opposite of that - inflows - means they wanna sell at the exchange.

With each big drop in the last months, we have seen a substantial exchange outflow with the heaviest in the last two drops.

We are talking about almost 70% less held at the exchanges to sell in just two months. THAT IS MASSIVE!

Now you might be wondering who is buying.

I'm sure you might have noticed a huge institutional interest in recent months which was started by @michael_saylor in September.

But why is that?

It is because everyone in the world is now trying to solve a problem of a desperately needed Safe Heaven asset

As it becomes more clear than ever, they are all starting to choose #Bitcoin

And each of them, right now, is trying to accumulate as much as they can. The smarter ones

To further confirm that, looking at the recent down spikes in the price we can see an incredibly high spot volume traded.

Big spot volume on cheaper price and big spot volume on breakouts.

Small spot volume on up peaks = small selling.

This has been a trend ever since the infamous March drop last year and continues to be to this day.

Big buys on cheap price & breakouts which usually never gets revisited again.

By the way, the March drop has seen the biggest spot volume traded ever in the #Bitcoin history with the recent one in January coming close to it.

With each spike down it is becoming ever increasingly harder to accumulate more #Bitcoin as we can clearly see a downward trend in spot volume but higher prices.

This is very bullish.

This was also the same case in the 2016-2017 bull market until we have seen big exchange inflows and big spot volumes as the price kept going up.

Another interesting similarity I have found in the last #BTC cycles. This one is more technical but still very valid.

In each cycle, we had a peek over 90 levels with RSI followed by a second peek.

Currently, we had 1st and a nice drop back and I expect we also gonna have a 2nd

Right now, we are experiencing heavy selling which gives a lot of room for the next move up.

Applying the same principles and using more conservative targets that also gives a target of 200 000$ for this cycle

I'm using half move here (300% vs 600%) from the last cycle.

Another great tool by itself is the S2FX model introduced by @100trillionUSD which shows we are still early in the cycle.

More on it I recommend following his very detailed work.

His price prediction is also above 200K (288K if I'm right to be precise)

Keep in mind that each bull cycle has corrections. It is a healthy part of each bull market.

The interesting thing to observe though is that in the last cycle we have seen 30-40% corrections whereas this time we see 15-30%. That to me shows a clear interest in #BTC to buy early.

Couple all of the above with the current prevailing market sentiment which is now heading almost to the extreme fear territory and that gives us the perfect time and level to seize this opportunity before everyone else.

If we look at the past drops we have always seen a nice bounce back from these levels.

Right now we even dropped a slightly lower and that gives even more rare opportunity.

We have the highest probabilities one might get in a lifetime & how we use them is at each individual

Please understand all of the above is just my deduction. I'm not a licensed professional & it is better to look for advice from one

Although we know how "accurate" they are 🙃

If you have found this thread valuable I would very much appreciate if you could spread the word by liking & retweeting it

I gave you all this knowledge for free and writing it took a lot of my free time. Sharing costs just a click

Thank you & I hope you make a great wealth 🤞

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