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Apr 30, 2021, 7 tweets

Indian Medical Association (IMA)'s National Vice President, Dr #NavjotDahiya was member of People’s Party of Punjab (PPP) which got merged with Congress in 2016 & later he was appointed as spokesperson of Congress Party in Punjab. #Health

Managing Director (MD) & CEO of Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) Pvt. Ltd, #MaheshVyas is the member of Congress Party's Manifesto team & Director #AjayShah worked earlier with Congress led UPA. #Jobs

Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader #RakeshTikait, contested the 2007 UP assembly elections from Khatauli seat with Congress support. Tikait openly supported Congress & Rahul Gandhi on several occasions. #Farmers

#AjaiShukla is the brother-in-law of Suman Dubey, a journalist & hardcore Nehru-Gandhi family loyalist, who is also one of the accused in the National Herald scam. Dubey was a friend of Rajiv Gandhi. Shukla’s sister is Anita Shourie (wife of Arun Shourie). #Defence

Former judge of the Bombay and Allahabad high courts Justice #AbhayThipsay joined Congress Party. He granted bail to actor Salman Khan in the hit-and-run case. Mr. Thipsay has also presided over the contentious 2002 Best Bakery case. #Judiciery

Major Gen (retd) #SatbirSingh, a member of the Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM) which led the OROP protests, openly pledged support to Congress, despite OROP was executed by Modi government. #Veterans

NDTV anchor #RavishKumar is brother of a senior Congress leader Brajesh Kumar Pandey who was party’s candidate in 2017 from Purvi Champaran district in Bihar. Brajesh Pandey was also charged under the stringent law on sexual crimes against children. #Journalism

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