Sakkaf Ahmed Aftab Profile picture
Eye doc,Chair BMA Yorkshire Consultant Committee,BMA UKCC #IMG Champion,@NHSNLaG Governor,LNC & HCC Chair,new found love of gardening & twitter, tweets own #EDI

May 1, 2021, 7 tweets

May I request authors of #SewellReport who have claimed #NHS as a success story in race issues to read this thread

Recent survey of Primary in Humberside region shows very disturbing findings discrimination in NHS of 2021 /1

@rcgp @KailashChandOBE @CNagpaul @riddell_marcus

Is it acceptable that in #NHS of 2021 ability to train in ones chosen career is affected by ones ethnicity, culture and #racism #discrimination ? /2

@rcpsglasgow @RCPLondon @rcpsych @RCOphthPres @terry_moran1 @AntonEmmanuel2 @Prerana_Issar @MichaelMarmot @NHS_RobW @NHS_RHO

How can we allow🤔 in 2021 a trainee to be told by a senior trainer

'we do not accept people who are not from around here' /3

@NHS_HealthEdEng @anilkjain61 @PeaPeaspot @adamson0901 @shekhawatgp @NLaGNHS_Doctors @northlincsccg @surashsurash @Halima_Begum @Manuel_Cavazza

How can we allow🤔in #NHS of 2021👇

'comments made throughout my career that I was an inferior doctor'

'would not get through interview if competing against a White British person even if less qualified..competition was only between similar doctors from nonwhite backgrounds' /4

How can we allow in #NHS of 2021👇

'training posts would not have been available to someone of my ethnicity…discouraged
by consultants from applying to certain specialties'

'Felt unduly pressured rather than supported…as though more was expected of me due to
my background' /5

How can we allow in #NHS of 2021 a trainee to experience👇

'a white GP trainer specifically picked on only brown trainees ... She kept on saying, ‘you have to get better
otherwise you will create more work for your GP colleagues’ /6

#COVID19 has brought not only societal health inequalities but also discrimination within NHS under spotlight

Let this be the watershed moment where practical steps are taken to end any kind of #NHSdiscrimination

We have had enough Reports,Inquiries now is time for ACTION /7

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