பச்சக்கிளி - மாமனார்ஸ் லிட்டில் ப்ரின்ஸ் 🦜 Profile picture
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May 28, 2021, 8 tweets

#Thread on how the other 2018 #MeToo accused were doing after that..

Thambraas N.Narayanan

He was the president of Thambraas association at that time and STILL continues to be president..


Singer Karthik

Composed music for one episode each in
பாவ கதைகள் (2020)
குட்டி ஸ்டோரி (2021)

Now, he is composing music for GVM film “ஜோஷுவா இமை போல் காக்க”

Carnatic musician OS Thyagarajan

Still being invited to perform in December season and other carnatic music concerts..



Mandolin U.Rajesh

Still being invited to perform in carnatic music concerts..



Mridanga Vidwan Mannargudi Easwaran

Still performing in majore carnatic music concerts..



Hyderabad Brothers (Sesachari)

They continue to perform in concerts..

And part of the advisory board of ICMDA (International carnatic musicians and dancers)



Tiruvarur Vaidyanathan

Still being invited for major carnatic concerts..



What are we going to do about these accused who are roaming freely without any backlash and getting continued support from sabhas and rasikas?

By ignoring these people aren’t we doing injustice to the victims impacted by these accused?

Think about it.


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