N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Jun 2, 2021, 13 tweets

OMG this #faucileaks campaign is right out of a KGB playbook. Call it a "leak" 2 make it seem nefarious when it's just a legal FOIA request & cherry pick emails to fit your narrative from total randos like Dermatologists and fake Physicists that cant even spell hydroxychloroquine

Hey Dr. Fauci why are you not addressing the new cure I found, that Elmer's Glue will actually stick to the virus and remove it from your body? Signed Jack Posobic @JackPosobiec, who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. #FauciEmails

You can almost pick any tweet in #fauciLeaks and it is a total rando like DJ Freedom Rockets spewing insanity, pontificating on cherry picked emails that are completely out of context. This whole mask insanity is total gaslighting ... 1/3

We had a SEVERE shortage of medical grade masks at the start of the pandemic. People were hoarding masks and filling up storage lockers and that was KILLING medical staff. We also had no real idea what we were dealing with. And once we had more retail grade masks online ... 2/3

And the science became clear the recommendation changed. So don't f'ing tell me @JackPosobic that the problem was Dr. Fauci didn't recommend wearing masks soon enough. You and your cultists still refuse to wear one. We both know you are a disingenuous piece of 💩 #FauciLeaks 3/3

I think hydroxychloroquine has become the new "Brawndo" for the #MAGA cultists. It really is just not funny anymore and has entered a crisis of dumb.

So this guy with 33 followers and has never had more than a couple of likes on any of his tweets in the past ... all of a sudden gets 353 likes today after using the #FauciLeaks hashtag. Oh and he is a lab tech with a BS degree.

Or this brand new account with 21 followers and 63 total tweets. Totally organic I am sure ...🤮 after he got 510 likes using the #FauciLeaks hashtag

And when I say brand new ... I mean literally today was the first day that the @/America1stAlpha account became active. Not too shocking to see who it immediately boosted. I know many good #disinfo researchers who have not gotten 500 likes even once in the past 5 yrs.

This is emblematic of the social media world we live in. The alt-right is jumping for joy to have 3000 #FauciEmails and replies to Dr. Fauci that they can now go through and slice and dice into any narrative that they choose to push out .... like #FauciLeaks or #FauciLied

And you can be assured that in the coming days fake or altered emails will be injected into the public discourse. I get the need for transparency and why #FOIA requests are important but this is going to be a mess. #FauciEmails #disinfo

#FauciLeaks #FauciEmails ..... predictable.

Don't know the authenticity of this email that rando "Adam" sent to Dr. Fauci but the #MAGA far-right have of course fallen for it. The funny thing is this was copied & pasted out of the methods section from a 2005 paper on HIV. It has nothing to do with #coronavirus #FauciLeaks

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