Vipin M. Vashishtha Profile picture
Pediatrician, ‘rational’ vaccine thinker, Editor Covid Vaccines, TB on Vaccines & many others, Past-Convener IAP COI, Member-WHO-VSN (

Jun 4, 2021, 6 tweets

How did #India fare? The graphic tells the whole story:
➡️Brutal onslaught by #B16172: having the highest transmissibility & most immune evader of all VOCs with higher virulence?
➡️No support from Vaccination (negligible coverage & high breakthrough, but reinfections rare) 1/

➡️ Social mitigation measures worked! Or the virus ran out of steam? Or still too early to conclude?
➡️ India struggled (significant mortality/health infrastructure collapsed) but survived!! 2/

New study on immune escape potential of #B16172 in comparison to #B1351 w/ #BNT162b2 vaccine: More immune evader than even B1351 VOC! Significant loss of antibody neutralisation vs live B16172 (-5.8x, akin to B.1.351) @TheLancet 3/…

Increased age & time since 2nd dose correlated with reduced virus neutralisation across all strains. Not unusual, but given low starting titres vs #B16172, more of a concern to see neutralisation “dropping off”, significantly. Boosters may be needed!! 4/

…………starting from a lower titre (#B16172) means small changes in NAbs titre now likely to have larger effect on vaccine efficacy! 5/

More on immune escape with #B16172 & other VOCs by @DavidLVBauer 👇 6/

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