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Host, Midday on @630CHED w/Courtney Theriault (or uh 880 CHED!) & @GoElks pre/post game host. Passionate procrastinator. email:

Jun 4, 2021, 5 tweets


- 244 new COVID cases in Alberta on 5818 tests (4.2%+)
- 379 in hospital (-32), inc. 108 in ICU (-12)
- 7 new deaths
- 5415 active cases (-416)

#yeG #yyc #ableg #covid19ab

61874 new vaccine doses administered in Alberta (third highest daily total)

65.3% of eligible Albertans have had at least their first shot (55.6% of *all* Albertans have)

#yeG #yyc #ableg #covid19ab

Every eligible group in Alberta (except 12-14) has more than 50% having received at least a first dose.

Based on daily trends, the 12-1 will surpass 50% this weekend.

#yeG #yyc #ableg #covid19ab

153 new variant cases reported in Alberta.

Of them, 9 are B.1.617 and 13 are P1.

The remainder are B.1.1.7

#yeG #yyc #ableg #Covid19ab

Wood Buffalo remains the only populated region in Alberta with a case rate over 500/100k, and it continues to decline.

Calgary at 132.7/100k.

Edmonton at 104.4

#yeg #yyc #ableg #covid19ab

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